Faffing About the Motherland: The Grand Finale

Jan 11, 2011 19:46

Well, I've been in the States for a few days and I need to get my ass in gear, resolutions-wise, so let's finish this thing.

Day 14 was the last wave of visiting relatives that I mentioned in the last post. We went to four different places and then made it back home. My dad and I were both feeling kind of ass (Him: still with the stomach issues; Me: the stomach issues and TMI Time), but we managed to eat a bit at each stop. (Because God forbid we didn't. Sacred hospitality, guys.) We also got last-minute gifts/charges (Family on Vacation: Cheapest couriers in town.).

Once we got home, we packed and then got a good-bye dinner from my uncle (who lives about half an hour away), and no one left until about one. And we had to wake up at five. We managed some sleep, however, and with some packing and re-packing while waiting for our ride, we got to the airport.

The flight to Ft. Lauderdale wasn't too bad. Well, other than my mom being stopped in security at Jorge Chavez because of all the sea salt we were carrying. (A white powdery substance in bags? Not suspicious at all!) And then my being sent over to Customs in Fr. Lauderdale for extra checks because of all the cheese we were bringing in. And my winning the TSA Lottery. At least the delay in our flight to La Guardia let us have a bigger window of time to get through customs and immigration before the flight.

My sister and her boyfriend were waiting for us when we got to baggage check, and we made it back. We're still slowly unpacking and washing everything. Picspam forthcoming.


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