01 - Your current favorite game02 - The most underrated game you’ve ever played03 - A game that makes you really happy04 - A game that made you sad05 - A game that really reminds you of someone06 - Favorite flash/internet game
I played the hell out of Robot Unicorn Attack and Flash Flash Revolution. I think the worst are the games that my mom introduced to me, most infamously Collapse. We played the hell out of that, and that was back when we had dial up. I also like Text Twist, and my sister and I used to play a lot of Slingo.
07 - The most surprising game plot twist or ending
08 - A game that you’ve played countless times
09 - A game with the best soundtrack
10 - Favorite Retro game
11 - A game that changed your opinion about something
12 - A game that you hate
13 - A game that is a guilty pleasure
14 - A game that no one would expect you to love
15 - A video game character who you can relate to the most
16 - A game that you used to love but now hate
17 - A game the disappointed you the most
18 - A game that you wish you more people would’ve played
19 - Favorite game based on a movie/book/comic/etc.
20 - Favorite stress relieving game
21 - Favorite fighting game
22 - Favorite RPG
23 - Favorite racing game
24 - That one awesome game idea that still hasn’t been done yet
25 - The most hilarious game you’ve ever played
26 - A game that you can beat everyone else at
27 - A game that you wish you could play, but suck at
28 - A game that makes you feel guilty
29 - A game from your childhood
30 - Your favorite game of all time