[One-Shot] Lazy Mornings By Chocoyeol [KyungTaek]

Mar 27, 2016 21:26

Originally posted by vixxomomentsmod at Day Two - Lazy Mornings By Chocoyeol
Livejournal Username: chocoyeol
Title: Lazy Mornings
Word count: 3,169w
Rating: G
Prompt: 37 "Kyungsoo's the smaller/younger of the two but it doesn't seem that way, like he's always commenting on how adorable Taekwoon is, he's the "big spoon", taking care of him like a hyung etc., stuff like that. (and ofc Taekwoon gets all embarrassed but he luvs it.)"
Summary: Lazy mornings were the best when shared with a sleepy kitty.

A/N note: One word: KyungTaek. I'm loving it. I hope you like it, I had so much fun dreaming about fluffy days ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Grey clouds filled the sky, creating a murky overcast on an otherwise perfect day. Chilly breezes swirled dried leaves around the feet of the people shuffling along the sidewalks, their collars and scarves drawn up around their faces to protect from the cold. Among the people hurrying along, there were two figures who were walking much slower than everyone else. The taller of the two had on a long coat, buttoned up and collar hiding his sharp face. The smaller one was bundled up in an oversized sweater, sleeves drawn past his hands and a thick scarf wrapped around his neck and face. The two walked in an almost casual stroll, arms looped around each other and hands wrapped around steaming cups of drinks.

It was only days like this, where small snowflakes fell from the sky and people were hidden away in the comfort of their homes. Taekwoon wasn’t much of a people person, preferring the company of animals, children or his boyfriend. He was the silent type; tall, dark and mysterious with his slanted eyes and sharp eyebrows. To everyone else, he was cold, almost ruthless but where there was no one around, his straight face would brighten into a smile.

How Kyungsoo ended up with Taekwoon was a question all their friends pondered, their personalities almost alike, how did they start talking in the first place? Kyungsoo was much smaller than Taekwoon, his face rounder, more youthful and eyes wide with curiosity. His personality was much like Taekwoon’s, preferring not to show much of his feelings. But Kyungsoo was younger, much more inexperienced in dealing with people and perhaps it was his shy, heart-shaped smile that drew Taekwoon in, in the first place.

Together they walked side-by-side, arms looped and strides matching. Steam billowed from their cups and puffed from their lips, small flakes of snow fell from the sky in swirling dances of winter. A particular flake fell on Kyungsoo’s nose, making him wrinkle it as the flake melted into a cold droplet. A soft chuckle came from his side, long fingers appearing in his vision as it wiped away the droplet and warming his nose. There was a soft coo of “you’re so cute” and Taekwoon pulled away with a warm smile on his lips. Nudging his elbow into his boyfriend’s side with an embarrassed whine, cheeks heating up despite the chilly wind that buffered against their soft skin. The silence and tension between them now lifted, the two continued their evening stroll without the disturbance or stares of the other people.

No one knew the details about their relationship, only that they were now living together in a small apartment just down the road from the café where they had met. It was a place they still both frequent. In public, Taekwoon was the stronger of the two, towering over and protecting his precious boyfriend. He was the type to walk in front of Kyungsoo so people wouldn’t bump into him, the type to protectively keep an arm around the younger on transport to prevent injury, and the type to always pick up Kyungsoo so that he was never alone on the way to and from home.

What people didn’t know, was that away from prying eyes, their roles were reversed. It was true that Kyungsoo did the cooking and most of the cleaning, but he was also the big spoon, the one that lead the relationship, the one that made Taekwoon blush. Given that it was quite easy to do that in the first place, Kyungsoo was the only one that got away with making him smile without being murdered by his death stare.

Today was another lazy weekend. Kyungsoo had woken up with his arm hanging loosely over Taekwoon’s body, the taller curled into a fetal position against his chest. For other people, like Chanyeol, making himself compact and cute was hard but somehow, Taekwoon did it with ease. His hands pillowed his soft cheek against Kyungsoo’s chest, lips pouted slightly and his eyelashes fanning over his cheeks, casting a shadow over his high cheekbones. His recently dyed hair glowed in the late morning sun, the golden color creating a halo around his head like an angel. Kyungsoo smiled sleepily, Taekwoon was his angel. Regretfully, his stomach decided to make it’s hunger known, growling loudly and tugging at his nerves. Gently easing Taekwoon onto the soft pillows and handing him a plush penguin to hug. Tucking the blankets around him, Kyungsoo made sure to give the other a kiss to his forehead before he shuffled off to the bathroom, a smile on his lips.

Teeth brushed and face clean, Kyungsoo set his sights on the kitchen, peeking into the fridge to see what he could cook for breakfast (or brunch, at this time of day). Spotting the eggs and bread, he decided to make French Toast. He had been learning the recipes back to front and he had tweaked a French Toast recipe with his own twist and it made Taekwoon shovel it down in a blink of an eye. His secret was bacon. Even though French Toast was a more sweet sort of breakfast, Kyungsoo preferred it if they started the morning with something savoury since Taekwoon had a slightly high blood sugar level from all the cake he’s been eating at the café. Their doctor had told them that they should eat more savoury food as well as not eating sweet food on an empty stomach, unless it was fruit.

Determination set in and Kyungsoo set about cooking, armed with his hairband and Hello Kitty apron. One hand beat the eggs and the other prepared the pan. As a pastry chef at a high-class restaurant, multi-tasking was a skill he had to have acquired. Everything had to work together like clockwork and Kyungsoo’s experience had allowed him to remember and work on almost every part of his dish at the same time. Butter melted and sizzled in the hot pan as he pulled the soaking bread out of the egg mixture, letting the remaining droplets land back into the mixture before placing it onto the pan where it sizzled and popped. As the toast was cooking thoroughly, he slid over to their fridge to grab the grated cheese and the crunchy bacon pieces he had pre-made a while ago. When he got back to the pan, the egg had become a golden crust on the bread, signalling it was time for him to flip it over. He slid the spatula under the toast easily, settling it on the utensil before quickly flicking it with his wrist so that any leftover egg wouldn’t drip onto the pain too early.

The toast landed with a soft plop, beginning to sizzle once more. Kyungsoo grabbed the bacon bits, scattering them over the cooked side of the toast before covering it with cheese. The radiating heat from the other side of the bread as well as the pan would easily melt the cheese into a stretchy layer that would ooze nicely with the toast. As the remaining side of the French toast cooked, Kyungsoo took out plates from the cupboard and placed them on the counter beside him, ready to serve the toast on.

Three repeats later, two plates of identical cheesy bacon French toast sat side-by-side and emitting the most wonderful smell throughout the whole apartment. Knowing how sensitive Taekwoon’s nose was, Kyungsoo knew he had about ten minutes before his taller boyfriend would be out of bed and bugging him about his bottomless pit of a stomach. Timing himself, Kyungsoo laid out the plates and the cutlery, making sure that the condiments were all there as well as the glasses for their drinks. He mistimed and when he had just placed a mug under the spout of the coffee machine, dragging footsteps echoed down the hall and a tall, lanky figure shuffled towards the bathroom. Taekwoon was rubbing his eyes vigorously, grumbling something about time before he walked into the wall to the side of the door. The resounding thud made Kyungsoo chuckle softly before he started to make the other’s compulsory morning latte.

Once the coffee was brewed and milk frothed, the steaming up was placed in front of a Taekwoon at the dining table with his arms buried in his arms. Kyungsoo’s gentle fingers ran through his golden locks, cooing softly at the whine that came from the older.

“Come on now, your coffee and breakfast is ready. Eat up before it gets cold.”

The head shifted, a face appearing as his blinked up at his smiling boyfriend. Taekwoon’s eyebrows were scrunched slightly, eyes wide and pleading and bottom lip protruding in a pout.

“Can you feed me, please?” His voice was a bare whisper, eye-bags puffy and eyes still red with sleep.

Kyungsoo knew that Taekwoon knew how that face affected him, his guard shattering in an instant once he saw the way those slanted eyes gave him the look. Nodding, the younger of the two whipped off his apron to hang up before plopping back onto the seat next to Taekwoon’s. Taking the knife and fork in his hands, he started to cut into the toast, the cheese stretching when he pulled the piece away from the larger section.

“Say Ahhh~” He held up the fork to his boyfriend’s thin lips, waiting for them to part obediently.


Pouting lips parted to accept the food, the older swaying from side to side in his seat as he hummed in satisfaction. Warm food and a warm heart, what more could he want first thing in the morning? Taekwoon obediently ate the food that was fed to him, a shy content smile blooming on his lips as he polished off his plate in record time. Now that he was fed and more awake, he easily grabbed the cutlery off Kyungsoo and returned the favour. It was mornings like this that they loved the most. Nothing but the comfortable silence that hung around them like a warm blanket, no time constraint of work weighing on their minds or stress piling on their shoulders. It was just the two of them, bonding over delicious food and fond gestures of affection. There was nothing more satisfying for Taekwoon than eating Kyungsoo’s cooking and watching the smile grow on those pink lips as he complimented him.

Breakfast ended quickly, the plates scraped clean and glasses void of drinks. Kyungsoo ran the water to wash the dishes, gloves covering his fingers as the sponge soaped up the plates. Gentle fingers danced around his hips, strong arms following before a warm body pressed against his back. Taekwoon placed his chin on Kyungsoo’s shoulder with a soft whine, lips pressing soft kisses to the spot just beneath his ear.

“Sooooooo…. Hurry, I miss you.”

With a laugh, Kyungsoo shook his head and waved the sponge in his hand around. It was their day off and that meant staying in to marathon whole seasons of anime or series, or watch movies they didn’t get to see in the cinemas. It was a whole day of relaxation, to relieve the stress and ease the tension that always accompanies jobs and work. A whole day of cuddling and bonding that helped them strengthen their relationship despite both of their lack of communication. But sometimes, when work became too stressful, Taekwoon would become much more clingier than usual, knowing exactly what tricks to pull to make Kyungsoo give in.

“Aish, I only just started washing the dishes.” Kyungsoo turned his head to place a quick kiss to the other’s soft cheek, grinning at the way it bloomed pink almost instantly. “I’ll be done real soon, why don’t you go and get everything ready for me, Woonie?”

Reluctantly, the other retreated with a soft sigh. Kyungsoo somewhat regretting losing the warmth of the other against his now cold back.

“You can bring your plushies too, if you want!” He called out to the retreating slumped figure, watching as his head perked up and he dashed towards the bedroom like an excited child.

Kyungsoo chuckled to himself, starting to wash the dishes as there were thumps coming from the room. He was drying the last of the plates when Taekwoon's figure appeared at the entrance to the hallway. His arms were full of toys, his favorite, a pink plush cat named Woozi, sat on his shoulder while their other toys (a Rilakkuma, Baymax, a Moogle, Roxas and Piplup) were held tightly in his strong arms. Bouncing along, Taekwoon plopped onto the couch with a happy sigh. Sometimes the older could be so cute.

A tuft of blonde hair peeked over the back of the couch, followed by sharp eyebrows and slanted eyes. Taekwoon pouted over at Kyungsoo, eyebrows scrunched as he pulled his rare puppy-dog eyes (Kyungsoo swore he saw cat ears twitching atop his head). With a soft laugh, the shorter went to grab a bag of chips and a pot of dip before heading over to the couch where the large cat-man crooned happily. Hugging the toys to his chest, Taekwoon's eyes followed Kyungsoo as he placed the food onto the coffee table.

"What do you want to watch? We haven't watched Jurassic World or The Scorch Trials." He placed himself in front of their home theatre system, pulling out the movies they haven't watched.

"Jurassic World, please." Taekwoon clapped his hands lightly, his voice soft and shy as he requested the movie.

Kyungsoo should have known, Taekwoon's love for animals big or small would always beat his interest in other movies. The number of times they have watched The Good Dinosaur, the number of times Taekwoon had cried in The Lion King, the amount of smiles and laughs he emitted during How to Train Your Dragon; Taekwoon was just a big softie. The DVD was wiped and placed into the machine, Kyungsoo grabbing the remote and setting up their sound system. They liked having the subtitles on for movies, just to know the names and completely understand what was going on.

There was a loud whine from the couch, Kyungsoo scooting back as the movie menu appeared on the screen. There was barely any space left on the couch with the taller male curled up on there with his multiple toys but when Kyungsoo got up, Taekwoon moved slightly so there was an open seat next to him. Dropping himself down on the sofa, his bottom sinking into the plushness of the cushion, Kyungsoo hit the play button on the remote. It hadn't even been 10 minutes into the movie when there was a shuffle beside him, the younger looking over just in time to see a mop of blond hair land on his shoulder.

Halfway through, Taekwoon had burrowed under Kyungsoo's arm, his head buried in the crook of his neck. A soft cheek was smushed against a firm chest, long arms wrapped loosely around his boyfriend's waist and narrowed eyes blinking tiredly as he turned to rub his nose against Kyungsoo's jaw. His hand raised up, thick fingers carding through soft locks as Kyungsoo stroked Taekwoon's hair with a gentle hum. It was always so amusing for Kyungsoo to pet Taekwoon, he was so much more a cat than he let on; his eyes closing as a smile tugged at his lips, a soft purr rumbling from deep in his throat.

"So cute..." Kyungsoo whispered softly, watching as Taekwoon's shoulders drooped into a relaxed position.

Even if they had just woken up, Taekwoon was soon gone, fallen back into the land of dreams. Kyungsoo's warmth made it hard to stay awake and the arm that held him was strong and secure, leading him back to sleep. It was cute the way Taekwoon slept, his face pressed against Kyungsoo's chest and arms hugging him tightly, his lips pulled into a pout beneath eyelashes that fanned over puffed cheeks. The younger lowered the volume of the movie before turning it off, they would have to watch it again another day. With his free hand, he gently raised his fingers to Taekwoon's cheek to brush away the stray strands of hair, cooing softly at his boyfriend's position. After an hour of silence, the screen of the television flickered off into the standby setting to save electricity, showing their reflections against the dark screen.

Kyungsoo tried to edge himself off the couch, gently prying his taller boyfriend off him so that he could go prepare their lunch. But Taekwoon was like a leech, clinging and latching onto Kyungsoo like a big koala. It was only when he fell off the couch with a soft 'oof' that Taekwoon started to stir. Eyebrows furrowed, long fingers rubbed at puffy eyes and the older looked down at Kyungsoo's figure with an adorable, confused face.

"Soo... I'm sorry... Did I accidentally knock you down?" He yawned behind his hand, sitting up like a puppy on the couch. "Did the movie finish already? ... I fell asleep for that long?"

"It's alright. I was getting up to make lunch." Kyungsoo sat up, laughing softly at Taekwoon's sad pout. "You looked so cute, I didn't have the heart to wake you so I could move. I'm sorry for waking you from your nap, you can go back to sleep if you're still tired."

Kyungsoo cupped Taekwoon's cheeks, playing with them a little before letting go and petting his hair. When he tried to stand up, two strong arms wrapped around his middle and a face buried itself in his stomach. Taekwoon's cheeks were tinged pink with embarrassment, the older turning to hide his face completely as he mumbled something incoherent into Kyungsoo's shirt.

"Hm? What was that, Woonie?"

"Mmmfh..." Taekwoon turned his head enough to peek an eye out, blinking up at Kyungsoo with puffed cheeks. "But I want you to stay here and cuddle..."

"Haha, Woonie, I have to go make lunch. You're getting hungry aren't you?"

Kyungsoo placed a hand on Taekwoon's head, the older huffing and shaking his head.

"Just a little more. I'm not hungry yet."

"Alright. Just a little longer."

Kyungsoo couldn't resist Taekwoon's begging, just some puppy eyes or a pout and the older had him wrapped around his finger. Taekwoon smiled shyly, his cheeks still flushed but he let the younger climb back onto the couch before he scooted close. Gentle hands tangled in golden locks as the pair relaxed into the comfortable silence of their sanctuary. Even if Taekwoon had a shield up most of the time when they're outside, it was at home that he could show his true self to the man he loved the most and Kyungsoo was glad that he was on the receiving end of such affection. Who needed anyone else when they had complete trust in each other?

2016 exchange, pairing: d.o/leo, exchange: vixxomoments, fandom: vixx, fandom: exo, pairing: kyungsoo/taekwoon, fluff

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