[One-shot] "Foolproof!" said Google → for baekie [FanXing]

May 13, 2014 12:21

Originally posted by tyreling at "Foolproof!" said Google, for baekie
Title: "Foolproof!" said Google.
For: baekie
Word count: ~3,500 words
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Xingxing thinks he isn't that sexy and decides to ask Google how to seduce his boyfriend. (feat. Beagle-line little shits Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol)

Note: I am so SO sorry for butchering the prompt ಥ_ಥ I hope you like it and if not... I'm sorry o(;△;)o

Yixing gripped his drink tightly in his hand, eyes almost glaring holes into a tall blond across the room. Wufan I’m standing right here, he frowned when his boyfriend of 2 years laughed at a joke Jongdae had told. A hand on his shoulder jerked him back to earth from his jealous Wufan-punishing daydream. Yixing looked over and smiled down at Kyungsoo who gave him a knowing look.

“It’s okay hyung. I understand how you feel.”

“You do?” Yixing raised an eyebrow at the younger. “You and Joonmyeon hyung are always happy I don’t know what you mean."

"There was a time... around our one and a half year mark when I felt like he was moving away from me." Kyungsoo took a swig from the bottle in his hand, "I thought he was tired of me because he kept hanging around Sehun and Zitao. I can tell you're in that jealousy stage, I can feel it radiating off you like a heatwave."

"What if he is tired of me? I mean there's plenty of younger and sexier guys around." His face drooped, eyes becoming downcast as he swirled the wine around his glass.

"Well then you would have to show him that you're better than those guys." The younger smiled and slapped Yixing on the back. "You can do it hyung! Hwaiting!"

With that Kyungsoo wandered away and slipped into his spot next to Joonmyeon on the couch with their other friends. With one last look around the room, Yixing gulped back the rest of his wine and excused himself to head back to his dorm room alone. He tossed and turned on the bed, becoming more and more frustrated as there was no call or message from Wufan as to why he had left early. With a whine and a huff that made him look like a hurt puppy, Yixing grabbed his laptop and opened the four-coloured Google Chrome browser where he was greeted with 'Happy 27th Birthday Cho Kyuhyun!' and the thought made him smile as he typed into the search bar: how to seduce your boyfriend.

1. Give him a sneak peek.

Wufan would be back from his afternoon shift at 5pm and Yixing had gone over to his apartment to prepare dinner. He had almost forgotten he had a spare key until it poked him in the back pocket of his bag. Dinner was simple; fried rice, vegetable stir fry, a nice stew and sweet and sour pork, basic chinese dishes reminding them both of home. This should mean that Yixing was comfortable (and hungry) but he was the opposite, nervous about how to go about his plan to seduce Wufan. What if he thinks I'm weird? What if he gets tired of this too? What if--, the keys jangling outside didn't disrupt his anxious thoughts but the door opening with a bang did, causing Yixing to jump up in fright and knocking over the plate of persimmon he had been cutting. The man whined and bent over to pick up the plate and fruit, more focused on picking up the items than the shadow in the doorway.

(Wufan had opened the door roughly as his hands were full of textbooks and groceries to last him the next week while he slaved over the 3 essays he had due. These had slipped and scattered across the floor when he had spotted Yixing bending over to pick up something from the floor, round ass shoved in his direction as Yixing's jeans slipped down slightly, revealing black dragon print briefs that Wufan absolutely loves. Said blond male closed the door and lifted his boyfriend over his shoulder, taking him to the bedroom as their dinner laid cold and forgotten.)

2. If you're uncomfortable then write dirty.

It was already 9pm when Yixing had arrived back at his dorm from dance practice, running more late than usual because he had missed class last week due to the flu. So he was extremely tired when he finally flopped onto his bed, sushi roll in his mouth and phone in his hand. It was a hard choice, to text Wufan or not to text Wufan, he weighed the options in his head before unlocking the screen. One quick message wouldn't hurt, he contemplated starting off with something crude but Wufan would probably think Jongdae's got his phone again.

[SMS To: Wufan♥] 'How is your essay?'

[SMS From: Wufan♥] 'I finished 1. Hvin break. How r u?'

[SMS To: Wufan♥] 'I got back around 9. Got a sushi roll in my mouth.'

[SMS From: Wufan♥] 'wat r u doin wit it?'

Yixing squinted at the time delay between his message and Wufan's reply, something clicking in his oblivious mind as his fingers glided over his screen to type up his next message and hoping that the vibes were correct.

[SMS To: Wufan♥] 'Sucking on it cause I'm texting you. The juice from the filling tastes great though!'

[SMS From: Wufan♥] 'Im cming ovr.'

The reply was short and swift, arriving about 2 seconds after his message was sent. Yixing sat up and looked over at the list pinned to the back of his piano notebook with wide eyes, did number 2 of his list just work? He was busy congratulating himself when his phone vibrated again.

[SMS From: Wufan♥] 'U better b ready 4 me.'

Yixing scrambled up from his bed and quickly cleaned up his dorm as best as he could, making sure that his list was well hidden before he relaxed on the couch to wait for Wufan's appearance at his doorstep. Loud, urgent knocking sounded not too long after, Yixing's thin lips smiling around his half-eaten sushi as he answered the door to see a dishevelled Wufan panting and staring at him with an intense glare. The smaller of the two was pushed back into his room and the sushi roll ripped from his mouth as the door slammed shut. Wufan pressed up against the younger and ripped into the sushi like a beast, leaning down and pressing his lips to Yixing's to pass the food over. On normal circumstances Yixing would have been disgusted but Wufan's knee between his legs and roaming hand on his side put Yixing's mind in a frenzy of lust and want.

(Let's just say Yixing had spent the night awake and ached the next day when Wufan had decided to stay over to look after his bed-ridden boyfriend. Yixing had secretly ticked off item number 2 off his list with a satisfied smile.)

3. Let your eyes wander, pre-party with yourself and let him play.

It was a lazy Friday afternoon, Yixing was over at Wufan's apartment once again, curled up on the couch while being pressed against Wufan's side. It was their typical Friday, Yixing coming over around midday to study together before ordering dinner and snuggling up on the couch for movie night.

Today they had ordered pizza and pigged out as a celebratory mark of the end of a stressful week, falling back into the plush couch with full bellies and satiated appetites from week-long cravings and starvation in order to complete all their assignments and exams. Now they were curled up with a few beers lined up on the coffee table as the new Thor movie played on the high definition TV, Yixing leaning into the warmth of Wufan's body as his eyes followed the action on the screen.

He jerked slightly when Loki had attacked Thor and he gasped when the camera panned to the enemy. Yixing whimpered and flopped back into his spot and Wufan wrapped an arm around his shoulders gently, chuckling as he nuzzled into the younger's soft hair and whispering a soft "cute." before turning back to the movie. They finished around 11 and Wufan escorted Yixing back to his dorm, offering to drive him back since it was dangerous walking back that late at night.

"XingXing..." Wufan's voice called him as he turned to unlock the door to his room, "let's go out to dinner tomorrow. There's a new italian restaurant that just opened and we haven't been out to a proper dinner date for awhile."

Yixing blinked and tilted his head, eyes staring blankly until the words registered in his head. He bounced happily and flung himself into Wufan's arms, pressing their lips together eagerly before letting go. He grinned and rolled on the balls of his feet as they organized time and clothing for that particular restaurant, Wufan agreeing to casual suits and pecked Yixing's lips one last time before departing.

"I'll pick you up at 6. Goodnight XingXing."

Kyungsoo had walked past 5 minutes later from a late-night convenience store run to pick up more instant noodles and ice cream when he had found Yixing still standing there staring blankly into the distance, hand poised with the key but instead he was just sighing happily like a teenage girl in love.

Yixing had overslept his alarm by a few hours, seeing as he woke up to insistent banging on his door at 1pm with drool on his pillow and ridiculously spiky bed hair. He had fixed himself slightly before going to answer the door to be blinded by a set of bright white teeth. Kyungsoo, Chanyeol and Baekhyun grinned at him before pushing him aside and invaded his dorm room. Yixing spluttered and closed the door, following them inside to find Chanyeol with his head in the fridge, Baekhyun raiding his tiny wardrobe and Kyungsoo under his bed. He paled when he realized what he had under the bed and he made a dive for Kyungsoo's legs to pull him out but it was too late, the smaller boy held up the box in triumph as he grinned mischievously .

Behind him, Baekhyun had picked out an entire outfit complete with boxer briefs and shoes. Yixing knew something was up when they approached him, his normally stoned expression flashing with fear as his back bumped into a solid body. Chanyeol grinned around the apple he had before grabbing Yixing's arms, leading him back inside his room. Normally Yixing wouldn't be alarmed with his best friends doing weird things they normally do but today there was this glint in their eyes that told him they were planning something big. That was when his eyes landed on Baekhyun who waved a copy of his 'ways to seduce Wufan' list. He flailed about in Chanyeol's arms but Kyungsoo had decided at that moment to help tackle him down to the bed.

"So hyung. I saw you were planning to seduce Wufan hyung and Kyungsoo let slip that you have a date tonight so we thought we could help you with point number 3." Yixing froze, when Baekhyun's face neared his eyes shining with mirth as he reached over and poked the front of Yixing's sweatpants. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way hyung."

The eldest gulped visibly and pushed the other two off of him.

"Fine. Just get out of my room and tell me what to do."

Baekhyun and Chanyeol cheered, high-fiving each other before going out and flopping on his couch like it was their own place. Baekhyun lingered behind, eyeing the black box on the bed with a sly smirk before walking outside too, closing the door with a soft click. Yixing ran over and locked it quickly, not wanting any interruptions when he was going to 'get ready'.

The outfit Baekhyun had picked out suited Yixing well; straight black slacks that sat well on his slim hips on top of the galaxy boxer briefs that Wufan had bought for him, the red silken shirt that his grandparents had given him before his exchange(Wufan's favorite) was tucked into the slacks and a nice black blazer was thrown over the top. When he had stepped out of the room with flushed cheeks and a small tent at his crotch, the three little shits wolf whistled and motioned for him to come over and sit down, Kyungsoo instantly attack his mop of hair with a brush and hairspray.

6pm rolled around too fast, Yixing had to kick the three out of his place at 5.30 just so Wufan wouldn't have to deal with them when he arrived. He spent 30 minutes alone, standing rigid in one spot because moving too much would ruin the fun for Wufan later. A gentlemanly-looking Wufan showed up at 6.02pm out of breath because he had run up the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator that was stuck on level 3. His dark blond hair was swept up in a storm of gel and hairspray, looking like a model out of the front cover of Céci magazine. Adorning his long, basketball-player legs were a pair of black slacks that matched his jacket which framed his broad shoulders on top of his multi-coloured galaxy shirt. Yixing snorted and grabbed his wallet and keys, tucking them into his pocket before following Wufan to the now uncongested elevator.

The ride to the restaurant was a comfortable silence until one of Yixing's favourite ballads came on and he hummed along. Or when SNSD's Gee played and Yixing could hear Wufan's terrible unique rendition of it. They arrived for their 6.30 time slot and were taken to a table for two on the balcony by Joonmyeon who had scored himself a waiter job there. They both ordered spaghetti and a bottle of champagne and Wufan leaned back to look up at the darkening sky, eyes shining with the light from the stars.

Yixing took this chance to appreciate the way his long neck stretches as he cranes his head, sharp jaw line catching the light of the candles on the table and shirt stretching deliciously over his chest. His eyes drifted downwards, staring intently at the shirt as if he wanted it to melt away to show the growing abs underneath. Yixing suddenly became aware of Wufan's growing tent as he looks up to see the older male looking at him with an intense heated stare that made his breath catch in his throat. Their staring competition was interrupted when Joonmyeon swept up to their table in his fabulous swag way and laid their food down, uncorking the champagne to pour them both a glass of the bubbling drink before gliding away.

Yixing was thankful the food had come at that moment, any longer and he would have combusted under Wufan's gaze and as he brought the forkful of pasta up to his mouth, he stole a glance at the other and found that he still had an unwavering stare directed at Yixing who felt his junior twitch slightly. They continued to eat, Wufan deciding to start a comfortable conversation to hide their heated yet awkward silence. When Yixing had finished his food, he had sat back and waited for the right time to give Wufan his 'gift'. They had finished the champagne in record time and ordered another 2 which made Joonmyeon eye them suspiciously before finally convincing them both to go home.

The ride home was lighter, both of them a-buzz with alcohol but sober enough to be considered sane. Wufan parked the car in the car park next to the dorm building and turned to Yixing who leaned over and pecked him on the corner of his lips, slipping something small and rectangular into his hand before climbing out of the car and walking into the building, making sure to sway his hips a bit more than usual. Wufan looked down at his hand and blinked, his mind clearing of the alcohol buzz and was instead replaced with a haze of lust as he climbed out of the car as well, locking it securely and following Yixing into the building.

He fingered the remote in his pocket as he waited in the elevator, glaring at the numbers as it slowly pinged onto the 5th floor. Yixing crooked a finger at him from his door and Wufan hurriedly stumbled over to him, pressing a button on the remote to see the younger jump and flush darkly. The room was dark and neither of them bothered to turn on the lights as Wufan pushed Yixing into his bedroom, lips connected and fingers roaming. The smaller gasped loudly when Wufan's knee came up between his legs, pressing against the erection he had been sporting for the last 4 hours. Yixing whined softly and leaned up to Wufan's ear, whispering about how he had been hard since before their date, how he had sat through the whole 3 hours with the toy lodged up his ass and how he needed Wufan so much that it hurt. The taller growled in his throat and pushed Yixing on to his bed and pinned his arms above his head.

(Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Chanyeol who shared the dorm next door had to sleep with their headphones or earplugs in that night, no matter how many times they banged on the wall Wufan didn't let up until the early hours of the morning.)

4. Be strong and tell him what you want.

Yixing took a deep breath when he arrived at Wufan's doorstep, fists clenched tight as he waited for the man to let him in. He was going to have a talk with Wufan today, he was going to be strong and tell him how he felt and that Wufan should answer him truthfully--oh. Yixing's train of thought cut short when Wufan opened the door, a towel wrapped low around his waist and another rubbing his hair dry. He invited the now stone-faced Yixing into his apartment as if there was nothing wrong and flopped down next to the younger on the couch. He only noticed that a few minutes later Yixing had not wanted to cuddle and was sitting stiffly like a statue.

"XingXing. What's wrong?"

"Wufan we need to talk."

Wufan froze, eyes wide and staring at Yixing with disbelief. Were they going to break up while he was still dressed in nothing but a towel? The younger took a deep breath and started speaking, slow and particular about the words he chose.

"Wufan. Are you tired of me?" Yixing fidgeted and his fingers twitched around until he gripped the hem of his shirt tightly, "We've been together for 2 years yet lately it seems like you don't want me around that much or sometimes it's like you forget that I'm there. If you want to go find a cuter, younger, more sexy guy then I understand. But I just wanted you to know that it's okay to tell me rather than keep me in the dark... it hurts me Wufan."

Yixing kept his head down when he finished, fists curled tightly on his knees as he waits for the answer that will define their future. He did not expect to hear laughter, so when he looked up in surprise, he found Wufan trying hard not to laugh.

"Is this why you've been trying so hard to seduce me for the past two weeks?"

Yixing nodded, cheeks heating up as he stared questioningly at Wufan. The taller reached over and ruffled his hair like he was a little boy. He was confused. What was so funny?

"XingXing... I'm not tired of you." Wufan had calmed down and smiled fondly at his boyfriend, "I was just nervous. I've been finding a way to ask you something but your seduction got to me first... Yixing, it's been 2 of the best years of my life and I don't want anything to change except..."

Wufan reached over and took Yixing's thin fingers in his large yaoi hands. Yixing's breath hitched, he wasn't sure what was going on but he knew this was something important for Wufan to use his proper name.

"I want you to move in with me Yixing."

Yixing's face blanked more than usual, his eyes becoming unfocused before he stammered a "what?!", causing Wufan to flinch back in surprise. Yixing slapped himself in the forehead as he realized that he had misread the vibes and had thought Wufan was hiding the fact he was tired of their relationship but instead Wufan had wanted to take their love to the next level by asking Yixing to move in with him. Poor Yixing had the wrong notion and had endured much pain and embarrassment for the past 2 weeks with no idea that he was holding back Wufan's proposal.

Wufan watched in amusement as Yixing had a battle with himself before picking up his cute boyfriend and swinging him over his shoulder. Yixing's little protests went unheard as Wufan strode to his bedroom saying something like "Don't worry I got Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo to pack your things for you, they'll bring it over in a few hours" causing Yixing to panic and flail around. He can't have them finding his secret complete collection of Cardcaptors Sakura manga, but Wufan paid no heed as he shut the door and cut off Yixing's complaints.

pairing: wufan/yixing, 2014 exchange, fandom: exo, one-shot, exchange: fanxingyou

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