A Song To ELF (English Translation)

Jan 16, 2011 15:19

this song is from super show 3 VCR. a tribute for SJ's biggest fansclub... The ELF.
hope Sapphirepearls post the Hangul Lyrics soon~ it's just the english translation~

A Song To E.L.F
by : Yoo Young Jin featuring Super Junior

This song dedicated to a one Biggest Fansclub
The E.L.F
My girls, my Angels

Five years ago we met, and i thought it was love, baby
No matter where i go, you're always standing next to me like a shadow
In the so-called love, sometimes, there is a lot of prove
If i have to hurt and lose my temper, will you stay with me?

Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, we should not seperate
Oh my lady, lady, lady, lady, lady, I really love you, yeah
Shawty, shawty, shawty, shawty, shawty, i choose only you
My tears and that little smile that come from you

I won't worry about to much,
So you dont have to say about these kind of words
No matter what to see in this world for me
Definitely, NO OTHER person is more beautiful than YOU

I dont know why you did say to me
I dont have many things for you, im sorry
But now, i will do more for you

Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, we should not seperate
Oh my lady, lady, lady, lady, lady, I really love you, yeah
Shawty, shawty, shawty, shawty, shawty, i choose only you
My tears and that little smile that come from you

Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby


translation by : Sapphirepearls


this song, success make me teary~
thanks for make this song~
and please, yoour presence is already enough..
dont push yourself to do more..
because you already are~

i as an E.L.F will love you as long as you want me...
as long as you didnt need me.,
and love you no matter what

Love Super Junior Forever
Proud to be Ever.Lasting.Friends
13elieve their Prom15e
as always

super junior

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