I've written 16,000 words over the course of 10 days, but I didn't touch the manuscript for probably five of those days. I feel like I have the hangover I just gave one of my characters. But it feels incredibly good to know that my manuscript is book length, even though the story isn't complete.
"...As she stretched her finger toward the delete button to correct a fatal error in the closing sentence, the five-iron she'd been looking for shook loose from the chandelier and hit her on the head. Her children found her the next morning. Never had a chance to say goodbye. But all took comfort in the good fortune that they were able to preserve her completed manuscript....
Comments 4
I've written 16,000 words over the course of 10 days, but I didn't touch the manuscript for probably five of those days. I feel like I have the hangover I just gave one of my characters. But it feels incredibly good to know that my manuscript is book length, even though the story isn't complete.
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