Recommend me BOOKS!

Oct 28, 2007 18:04

I started my training at Borders yesterday. I have to say, I'm quite surprised at how much I like it so far. I've never been able to say this about any of the part-time jobs I've had. They were all dirty, unrewarding, food-centric, let's-throw-you-to-the-sharks-you'll-figure-it-out kind of jobs, and Borders, all ready, is a hell of a lot different.

We get three days of training. Three! None of the jobs I've ever had took so much time to train (McDonalds threw me to the wolves right off the bat and subsequently scared me off working for the next couple of years). Yesterday was spent getting to know our co-workers and the store (scavenger hunts! omg), reading up on the company, and decorating our little time cards and badges (I chose a Barn Owl for my "spirit animal" haha).

If there's one thing I'm worried about, though, it's that I'm weak in the "giving recommendations" dept. I'm not much of a reader. Haven't been for quite some time. When it comes right down to it, I'd rather do something creative than read -- like draw, paint, or heck, even write my own stuff. So beyond articles, journals, essays, magazines, and manga, I don't tend to read for fun.

This is going to change.

Get this: we get to borrow as many books as we want from the store to "keep up" with what's current in literature. I'm pretty excited about this. For my first two books I've chosen Stephen Colbert's I Am America And So Can You! and Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim by David Sedaris (sensing a theme here?). I do want to read more, really, and working here will give me that much needed motivation.

So on that note, I'm open for book recommendations. Anything and everything. Throw 'em at me, people! Just to let ya'll know how much I need help in keeping up with what's "current" I have yet to read any of the Harry Potter novels or The DaVinci Code, or anything that's been "big" in the last 10 years. I know, I know, I suck. xO

So! Bibliophiles: I need your help here! xD
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