Lulz, I lied. I guess it's more of a semi-hiatus. IDK...I think I'll be back online regularly soon anyway. But man...I feel like I haven't done anything for like 2 months. Like no work and no fun either. orz What have I been doing this whole time? Sleeping? D:
Random thoughts...
Arashi - - -
Ashita no Kioku: Pretty~ I like the camera/picture theme.
Crazy Moon: Cool dance! And for once I actually like Jun's hair. xD;;
Everyone is still looking good. *u*
NEWS - - -
Abake! Haha, I should at least watch Shokura when NEWS is on it. I didn't watch the whole ep yet, just the abake. Tegoshi was so cute~.
It was funny how Shige kept getting mad at the wrong people. xD;;
Koyama wasn't as annoying this time. :D
My dad was watching MS and he said Tegoshi has gotten manlier. LULZ.
Edit: I watched the whole ep. TAMA-CHAN! ♥
I was surprised by how much solo screentime he gets now.
Also...I wanna try kimchi natto. I know I've seen it on menus somewhere. It sounds good. Lol, natto club. I still haven't tried their natto toast. xD;;
An Cafe - - -
New single in August and new album in September! \:D/
They finally made it to BUDOUKAN! Omedetou~.
Takuya's hairrr. ♥