Mar 02, 2009 18:30

Dangit I need a Arashi icon. OTL

Yeah, I haven't been on much (surprise, surprise). I'm working on several reports right now so I've been kinda busy. >_>;;

Ok, SO ANYWAY I just watched the Arashi PVs and needed to fangirl. xD;;




And now for some semi-coherent coments. :D
Haha, Believe does remind me of truth x Sakura Sake. Which apparently is AWESOME. \:D/
Nino's hair looks cute like that.
First truth, and now Believe...Aiba has been smokin' up the recent PVs. xD;;
Shoooooo. He looks so good right now. LOL are you sick of me saying that yet? SAKURAP FTW.
Riidaaa! He's SO CUTE in Kumori! I really like the look of the whole PV. And Oh-chan looks so happy! dad just called me kimoi again for smiling by myself. OTL

In other news...I'm still behind on dramas. OTL I downloaded a bunch though so maybe I should just have a drama marathon weekend or something. xD;;
I've been watching Tenchijin on TV. It's only been 3 episodes so far(I think). Omg the little boy(s) are freaking ADORABLE. My dad tries to copy the way the little boy talks. Uhh, not as adorable, but pretty funny. it just me or is Tokiwa Takako getting younger? Srsly I can't believe she's 37ish.
Tsumabuki is like really happy. xD;; And his crying is like really cute/comical IDK if it's supposed to be though.
Overall, Tenchijin is pretty funny so far. And it doesn't hurt that all these people I like are in it. Yay.

That's it for now. I'll be a bit more active once I finish these reports. :P

pvs, arashi, doramas

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