To whom it may concern:
If there is a person named Tatsumi in this room, then congratulations - you successfully figured out my little riddle.
In case there isn't, here is a short explanation: I posted a "brainteaser" on the board this morning, "courtesy of Cake Club". This was, in fact, a map of the patient rooms, disguised as a map of a library. Someone interpreted things a bit too literally and put down their guess - which was actually your room - rather than their own room number. Sorry for the confusion, and feel free to watch the board for further maps posted in the same way.
To whom it may concern:
If there is a person named E. Figaro in this room, then congratulations - you successfully figured out my little riddle.
In case there isn't, here is a short explanation: I posted a "brainteaser" on the board this morning, "courtesy of Cake Club". This was, in fact, a map of the patient rooms, disguised as a map of a library. Someone interpreted things a bit too literally and put down their guess - which was actually your room - rather than their own room number. Sorry for the confusion, and feel free to watch the board for further maps posted in the same way.
To whom it may concern:
If there is a person named "JTK" in this room, then congratulations - you successfully figured out my little riddle.
In case there isn't, here is a short explanation: I posted a "brainteaser" on the board this morning, "courtesy of Cake Club". This was, in fact, a map of the patient rooms, disguised as a map of a library. Someone interpreted things a bit too literally and put down their guess - which was actually your room - rather than their own room number. Sorry for the confusion, and feel free to watch the board for further maps posted in the same way.