Title: It's Because You're Special Author: chocolet89 Pairing: Yunho/Junsu Rating: G Length: One-Shot Genre: Fluff Summary: Junsu is afraid of getting his pants wet
Hahaha omg really?? I saw this on a HoSu blog I follow on tumblr and well I guess I sort of had my doubts too at the beginning, but since it was tagged and posted as HoSu then I didn't think too much about it :P I will be so embarrassed if that really is a staff member and not Yunho in the photo LOL
i know, i saw it on Tumblr too, but i still think it's a staff member. i'm too lazy to check it up tho :DD and the dude does look like yunho somehow. so it might be him? who knows... :D
but i always thought that in that pic it's just some staff, not yunho o.O
loved it anyway <3
Anyway thanks for reading :DDD ♥
and the dude does look like yunho somehow. so it might be him? who knows... :D
Well if someone else points it out that its not Yunho in the picture, then I'll just remove it XD but for now it'll be HoSu 8Db
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