Vacation 3/3

Oct 02, 2011 00:52

Title: Vacation
Author: chocolet89
Pairing: Junho/Junsu
Rating: NC-17
Length: 3/3
Genre: Incest, Romance Smut
Warning: Incest, PWP
Summary: The members of DBSK get a rare two day vacation from their hectic schedules. Junsu decides to use it to spend some quality time with his brother Junho


As Junho was about to slide the door open Junsu tugged on his arm gesturing to the folded towels on a rack against the wall.

“You might want to put one of those on first before going outside. Even though we get our private area, people still might be able to see us when we’re on the balcony.”

Junho grinned sheepishly and let Junsu wrap a towel around his waist before he grabbed one himself and did the same for his brother.

Sliding the door open, Junho stepped out and saw it was indeed an open balcony where they would be visible to anyone in near vicinity of their room. A short flight of steps lead them down to their private area where there was a high rock wall surrounding the pool that would hide them from view of other people.

After checking to see no one was around, Junho tugged on Junsu’s hand pulling him forward and linking their fingers together.

Junsu blushed deeply for some reason but let Junho lead him down the steps. When they reached the hot springs, Junho stepped in first sighing as the hot water hit his muscles. Junsu followed but slipped clumsily on the second step, squealing as Junho caught him around the waist.

Junsu looked up and gave his brother a small smile to which Junho returned with a kiss on his nose.

“So you’re sure no one can see us here?” Junho asked again.

Junsu looked at the rock wall surrounding ¾ of the pool before nodding his head. “Yea?”

“Good,” and Junsu gasped as Junho pressed their lips together. Even though technically they were in their own private area, there was still a small chance that someone would be able to see them if they were standing and looking from a certain angle. Junsu’s body tingled with excitement at the thought and wrapped his arms around Junho’s neck to deepen the kiss.

Junho moaned before pulling away.

“God Su I swear you’re some sort of sex siren, since when did you become so needy hmm?” Junho asked as he walked them to the middle of the pool.

“Since we started seeing less and less of each other,” Junsu replied honestly seeking Junho’s lips out again.

But this time Junho kept his distance pressing a finger against Junsu’s lips.

“How do you survive the times you don’t see me then?” he asked as he swayed their bodies gently in the water.

Junsu pouted and settled for sliding his arms around Junho’s waist and leaning his head on his shoulder.

“I manage. I jerk off thinking of you, fuck myself with my fingers wishing it was your fingers and suck on a dildo wishing it was your cock I was sucking on.”

Junho swallowed at the images Junsu’s words created in his mind.

“I-I see.”

Junsu smirked.

“And how do you survive without me hyung?”

“I have good control of my libido,” Junho replied simply.

Junsu huffed in frustration. “You’re no fun.”

Junho chuckled.

“Fine you want the truth? I miss you, a lot. So much that it hurts sometimes. So I find other things like baseball and studying to distract myself with from thoughts of you. I try not to think of how much I miss you because it hurts knowing that I can’t see you whenever I want to anymore.”

“I’m sorry,” Junsu whispered as he buried his face into the crook of Junho’s neck, arms tightening around his brother’s waist.

“What are you apologizing for; I didn’t say all that just to make you feel guilty. It’s not your fault,” Junho admonished running a hand through his brother’s hair.

“Whatever, you’re such a sap you know that right? Why do you have to be so honest with all your feelings?” Junsu mumbled.

“Isn’t being honest good though? Or would you prefer me to lie and say I haven’t missed you at all?”

“Ughh I don’t mean being honest that way. You know what I mean,” Junsu said with a grumble.

Junho smiled and slowly started walking backwards until his thighs hit the outcrop of the ledge that surrounded the inside of the pool. Taking a seat, Junho pulled Junsu down onto his lap knees on either side of his hips.

“I know what you mean Su I was only joking around with you,” Junho said with a smile as he tried to tilt Junsu’s head up to look at him.

“But that’s how I am,” he continued gently. “At least when it comes to you anyway. I’d never lie to you. You’re the most important person to me in the world and I would do anything for you.”

Junsu fidgeted in his brother’s lap, fingers tugging unconsciously on Junho’s towel as he felt their conversation turning to the more serious side. He knew Junho was the type of person to express his emotions freely especially when it came to Junsu himself. Junsu was like that too but he would try to make light of everything because he knew if he thought about things too deeply he’d end up getting too over-emotional which would eventually lead to him crying.

“You’re the most important person to me too,” Junsu whispered telling the truth. He loved Junho more than anyone else, more than any of his close friends, even more than the other four members of DBSK. He bit his lip suddenly having the urge to just release everything that he’d been holding in.

Junho seemed to sense this and tipped Junsu’s head up for a light kiss coaxing his body to relax as well as give him time to form what he wanted to say into words.

“I love you hyung, so much,” Junsu confessed when they broke apart.

“I know, and I love you too Su,” Junho replied running his fingers through the ends of Junsu’s hair.

“I wish I could tell the whole world that we’re together, I want everyone to know that you’re mine,” Junsu whispered quietly as his fingers trailed random patterns over Junho’s shoulders and chest.

“I hate feeling jealous when other couples can freely show their love while we have to hide ours. It’s not fair that they can flaunt their happiness while we have to keep ours hidden. I want to be able to kiss you and hold your hands in public too,” Junsu continued uttering the last bit out weakly.

“We did it when we were young,” Junho countered lightly.

“Yea when we were kids and nobody would think twice about it. But if we did that now people would think we were disgusting and look down on us.”

Junho tugged Junsu closer to him as he felt the latter’s body start to tremble. Silently he vowed he would try to show some more skinship with his brother in public not caring what anyone else would think.

“I knew from the beginning that our relationship would be different, but sometimes … sometimes I just can’t help but feel frustrated.”

“Shh it’s okay Su, I understand. I feel the same way too.” And he wasn’t lying when he said that. There were times too when Junho himself wished he could shower his brother with the love and affection he deserved.

“Is it really a sin for us to be seen together?” Junsu whispered.

Junho’s heart clenched as the first sobs could be heard and he pulled Junsu closer to him, wishing there was something he could to do to rid the pain laced through his brother’s words. He wasn’t sure what kind of answer Junsu was hoping for so in the end he left the question hanging choosing instead to run a hand up and down the younger man’s back in comfort.

“I don’t mind keeping our relationship a secret sometimes,” Junho said after a few seconds of silence.

“It gives me a sense of happiness that there’s something between us that nobody knows about. I don’t really know how to explain it. It’s like ever since you became an artist people are always finding personal things in your life to talk about and then making it big. I’m just happy that there’s something between us that they’ll never probe into if you know what I mean.”

Junsu shut his eyes and nodded his head. He understood that the words were supposed to be comforting and that they were also the truth coming from Junho’s heart.

“Yea … I know what you mean and I do think the same way too. But sometimes I just wish I could share my happiness with those close around me like the other members of DBSK; tell them just how happy I am when I’m with you, happy because of you,” Junsu said sniffling in response and clinging tightly to his brother for comfort.

Pressing a kiss to Junsu’s nape, Junho decided they should probably drop the topic; it wasn’t exactly something they would always discuss in the first place. Instead he thought it would be best to do something to distract the latter from the pain.

Carefully he slipped the towel off around Junsu’s waist and draped it over the edge of the pool. Running his hands up and down Junsu’s back, Junho then latched onto his neck, licking, sucking and biting, creating yet another new mark on the delicate skin.

“I don’t care if it takes days for these marks to fade, the others can speculate how they got there on their own,” Junho mumbled trying to tell Junsu through actions that he didn’t care if everyone found out about their relationship.

Junsu’s lips parted open letting out a soft cry. Fingers wrapped around his slowly hardening length and with every stroke Junsu bucked into the touch until his erection was standing proudly.

“Hyung~,” Junsu breathed out back arching into the touch.

“Shh Su just relax,” Junho whispered against his neck as he continued stroking his brother softly.

Junsu whimpered; the combined touch of Junho’s fingers and the hot water washing over the bodies was too much. His hips started moving of their own accord, in time to Junho’s strokes. With a muffled cry of Junho’s name, Junsu came, his release mixing in with the water swirling around them.

“Just forget about it all for now okay? You’re on a rare vacation with me now so we should spend this time as best we can alright?”

Junsu nodded his head weakly and just relaxed in his brother’s arms relishing in the warmth that radiated off his body.

They spent the next hour just soaking in the pool relaxing and enjoying each other’s company making small talk about things they hadn’t already talked about since their last phone calls.

It was only when Junsu started complaining about the skin on his fingers getting wrinkly did they decide it was time to climb out. Junsu uncurled himself from his brother’s embrace and started to make his way over to the steps.

Junho watched as the water on Junsu’s shoulders trickled down his back before disappearing into the waves of water again. His own cock stirred in interest and with a growl he quickly closed the distance between them pressing his chest against the latter’s back.

Junsu gasped in surprise arms reaching behind him to hold onto Junho for support. Twisting his head a bit, Junsu met his brother in an open mouthed kiss groaning as he felt Junho’s erection pressing against his ass with the towel as the only thing separating them.

Junho walked them forward a bit before pushing Junsu onto the steps. Junsu caught himself on his hands and knees, the shallow water easing his fall. Junho grinned as he knelt down and spread Junsu’s ass cheeks apart to lick at the puckered entrance. Junsu shivered and bit his lip to keep from moaning.

Junho abused his flesh licking and sucking around his entrance, covering his hole with as much spit as possible since there was no lube available. He sucked on his fingers before slowly inserting two fingers in at the same time. Junsu winced but pushed back eagerly for more.

Slipping the towel off his waist Junho flung it aside before adding another finger inside his brother.

When Junsu started whining and protesting Junho pulled his fingers out and positioned his cock at his brother’s entrance before slowly pushing in.

Junsu groaned pushing his hips back to quicken the process. Junho grinned and slammed his hips forward burying himself deep inside his brother. He gave Junsu only a few seconds to get used to the stretch before he started pounding into the younger man from behind, the water swirling and waving around their bodies.

“H-Hyung,” Junsu cried out in pleasure. He reached an arm underneath and started stroking his cock in time to his brother’s thrusts.

It didn’t take Junsu long to reach his limit. The pleasure of being pounded into from behind as he stroked himself off adding to that the water that washed over their bodies with each thrust had Junsu crying out in moments as he released his seed into the water for the second time that day.

Junho grunted and increased his speed thrusting harder and faster. Junsu gasped, muscles clenching tightly around his brother’s length as his body was still sensitive from his climax.

Junho bit his lip to keep from crying out as his orgasm washed over him and he came moments later emptying his release deep inside his brother. When they’d both caught their breaths again Junho turned his brother around and pressed their lips together.

They spent another five minutes in the pool where Junho slipped his fingers into Junsu’s loosened hole claiming he was ‘cleaning’ Junsu’s body causing the latter to let out small whimpers and moans in the process.

Afterwards Junsu once again made his way out of the pool and went over to the corner where there was a rack with fresh towels. He grabbed two and tossed one to Junho who’d clambered out after him. They dried themselves off before wrapping the towels around their waists.

As they walked up the stairs to their balcony, Junho linked their fingers together once again.


By the time the resort lady came to provide them with some food a little over half an hour later, they’d dressed in (male) kimonos and were sitting innocently across from each other at the table in the corner of the room. Once she left however, Junsu crawled around the table and sat himself unceremoniously in Junho’s lap.

Junho chuckled but didn’t saying anything to protest. Even when Junsu was still living at home they hardly had times like these since they’d almost always eat meals with their parents. Moments like these were kept in their bedroom behind locked doors.

Junsu giggled all throughout their meal as he made Junho feed him pretty much everything. Junho was happy to oblige and stole kisses here and there claiming that Junsu had rice or sauce on his lips and chin.

After they finished their meals they spent the rest of the day just like they would as if they were back at home. They fooled around on the floor wrestling to see if Junsu had improved since he had four other band members to practice with during their time apart but unfortunately Junho still managed to beat him.

They cuddled up on the futon watching whatever was on at TV during the late afternoon, turning off their mobile phones even though Junsu had been told to keep his on in case their manager called.

But he didn’t want anything to ruin this perfect time he had alone with Junho. It was bad enough already that he only got to see his brother once every few months, he wasn’t going to let this moment be ruined either.


The following day …

Junho was content to just spend the morning watching as Junsu slept in his arms. He didn’t want to wake his brother up just yet since he knew Junsu would still be recovering from their activities the previous night.

They’d ended up making good use of the toys Junsu had brought along where Junho had gagged Junsu for the better half of the night using the excuse that if he didn’t shut the younger man up they’d end up waking everyone in hearing distance of their room.

Now that he was able to get a closer look at Junsu without the latter giggling or moaning in his arms, Junho frowned when he noticed the small bags under his brother’s eyes and he only hoped Junsu was getting enough rest in the midst of his busy schedules.

One of Junsu’s hands was pressed between their chests and Junho traced the red marks on the wrist from where the handcuff had chaffed the skin. He smiled thinking of what excuses Junsu would use to explain to the other band members when they saw the marks. Lifting the latter’s wrist up Junho pressed light kisses over the marks.

Junsu moaned softly at the touch and threw a leg over Junho’s hip pressing their bodies closer together. Junho gasped and decided Junsu could rest later if he was tired. Rolling their bodies over Junho pressed Junsu into the mattress before fumbling around and locating the lube from where he’d thrown it aside the previous night.

Lathering his cock up in the slick substance he then positioned it in front of Junsu’s entrance; he figured Junsu would still be a bit loose to not feel that much pain with no preparation. Gripping Junsu’s thighs with his hands Junho slowly pushed in not bothering to muffle his groan when Junsu’s walls clenched tightly around him.

Moments later he felt Junsu’s body shift under him followed by a long moan when the latter realized his brother was slowly fucking him awake.

“Good morning Su,” Junho whispered with a hard slam of his body.

Junsu gasped body arching up as his hands struggled to find purchase on his brother’s back.

“Nggh hyung!” Junsu cried out in pleasure.

Junho grinned and, grabbing Junsu’s left thigh hooked it over his shoulder while Junsu wrapped his other around Junho’s waist.

Leaning forward, Junho linked his fingers through Junsu’s, spreading their arms out as he thrust into his brother in short sharp moves. Their bodies rocked in harmony, both in their heights of pleasure.

Junho was so close to coming but he really wanted Junsu to come first. Junsu on the other hand was pretty close himself. There was enough friction for his cock rubbing between their bodies and his prostate was getting hit with pretty much every thrust he met.

“Junho,” he whispered getting his brother’s attention.

“Yea?” Junho asked.

Bringing one of Junho’s hands to his lips, Junsu slipped two fingers into his mouth and sucked on them until they were covered in spit. Guiding his hand down to rest where Junho’s cock was sliding deliciously into his tight entrance, Junsu simply said, “more”.

Junho’s eyes widened and Junsu nodded his head at him.

Biting his lip, Junho slowly slid one finger in with his cock and he watched as pleasure passed over Junsu’s features. Not waiting for Junsu to get adjusted, Junho slid his second finger in, feeling the stretch of Junsu’s hole around his cock and fingers.

“Fuck yes,” Junsu moaned and Junho mimicked a similar cry as Junsu’s walls clenched tightly around his cock and fingers.

Junsu pushed his head back against the pillow as he thrust his hips up trying to feel more of the delicious stretch in his ass.

Junho kept moving his fingers around delighting in the sounds Junsu made as well as the pleasure that was flowing through their bodies.

“So … so close hyung,” Junsu gasped out fingers digging into Junho’s back.

Junho grunted curling and scraping his fingers along Junsu’s slick walls as he quickened his pace slamming harder and faster into his brother’s clenching entrance.

“Hyung, so close god, hyu-ah!” Junsu’s words were cut of with a cry as his orgasm coiled through his body before exploding and then he was gasping as he came hard between their bodies covering their stomach and chests in come.

Junho shut his eyes in pleasure as Junsu clenched almost painfully around his cock. Pulling his fingers out he gripped Junsu by the hips and thrust forward a few more times before his whole body tensed and he came deep inside Junsu’s body.

Collapsing onto his elbows Junho buried his head against Junsu’s neck trying to catch his breath. Junsu ran his fingers through his brother’s short locks with a smile on his face.

“That was a nice way to wake up,” he said after a few moments of silence.

Junho chuckled body shaking above the younger twin.

“Come on let’s get cleaned and have some breakfast,” he said in reply as he tried to get up only to have Junsu pull him back down again.

“Later … I’m still tired,” Junsu complained rolling their bodies over so he could cuddle up to the older man.

“But we’re all sweaty and sticky,” Junho replied emphasizing his point by swirling two fingers through the mess on his stomach.

Junsu only giggled before taking Junho’s fingers into his mouth and licking them clean.

“There all clean,” he said before tucking his head under Junho’s chin and draping an arm over his waist.

Junho was tempted to tell Junsu to lick the rest of the come off his stomach but then decided he should probably just let Junsu get some rest first. They still had the whole day to themselves anyway. Wrapping his arms around his brother, Junho tugged him closer listening as Junsu’s breathing eventually evened out and sleep overtook him again.


The rest of the day pretty much passed the same way with the two brothers spending their time together to the fullest. God knows how long it’d be before they could meet up again like this.

“Su are you done in the bathroom yet?” Junho yelled out once the resort lady had left the room after placing a tray full of fruits and snacks on the table.

He didn’t receive a response and sighed wondering what was taking Junsu so long. Standing up he decided to move the table over to where their futon lay so they didn’t have to sit on the hard floor. Once he was satisfied Junho was about to yell for his brother again when the door to the adjoining bathroom slid open and Junsu stepped out dressed in a skimpy black and blue kimono complete with a light blue waistband and thong (black/blue kimono).

“How do I look?” Junsu asked twirling around in a similar fashion just like yesterday with his arms out on either side of his body.

Junho growled low in the back of his throat and was there in two seconds flat slamming Junsu against the wall and attacking his neck with tongue and teeth.

“Fuck Su,” he grit out hands running up and down Junsu’s sides. Junsu whimpered and then bit back a moan as Junho nudged his legs apart before slipping a hand under the kimono to caress his ass.

Fingers pressed against his cleft and he heard a surprised gasp behind him as the fingers pressed against his wet entrance which he’d taken the pleasure of slickening up with lube in the bathroom just moments ago.

Junho muttered a curse as he pushed himself away and shed his clothes off at lightning speed. Once he’d stepped out of his boxers Junho moved forward pressing Junsu against the wall again as he slipped his hands under the kimono and spread his ass cheeks apart.

“Since you’re already so slick, I don’t need to prepare you anymore right?” and with that Junho slammed his cock in moaning as Junsu tightened around him. Junsu screamed hands scrabbling for support on the walls as he tried to keep himself upright.

Junho didn’t give Junsu anytime to adjust and started thrusting in and out at an almost brutal speed. He growled as the thong scraped against his cock every time he pulled out and paused just long enough to rip it off his brother’s body before throwing the flimsy fabric aside and continuing his ministrations.

“F-Faster hyung,” Junsu cried out as he tried to push back and meet each of Junho’s thrusts.

Junho grunted and gripped Junsu’s hips firmly before pushing up so that Junsu was on his tiptoes. The angle of his thrusts changed and then Junsu was moaning as his prostate was assaulted with every thrust.

“Oh god … hyung … I can’t, going to … come, soon,” Junsu gasped out in heavy breaths.

“Touch yourself,” Junho commanded with another hard slam of his hips.

Junsu obliged bringing a shaky hand down to wrap around his cock. The first stroke had him whimpering and begging Junho to fuck him harder. The second made him falter and break the sync he’d created with his brother’s thrusts. On the third stroke Junsu’s body froze, muscles clenching as he came shooting his release into his hand and onto the underside of the kimono.

Junho continued pounding into his brother’s shaking body, movements becoming erratic as his orgasm gradually built up. Obscenities flew from his mouth as Junsu’s muscles clenched and unclenched around his throbbing cock. Leaning forward Junho bit down on Junsu’s shoulder as he thrust in hard a few more times before he came with a muffled cry filling his brother’s entrance with his release.

They stood there panting and trying to catch their breaths before Junho pulled away to collapse onto the floor. Junsu whimpered at the loss of Junho’s cock and slid down the wall shutting his eyes as he pressed his cheek against the rough surface.

He heard some shuffling movements and the scrape of something being pushed and cracked an eye open to see Junho moving the table and futon closer to where he was. Junho patted the empty space beside him on the futon and Junsu whined before slowly making his way over in a slow crawl. He could feel come dripping down his thighs and smearing his front but ignored it as he collapsed onto the futon.

“Hmm … you know, you should probably turn your phone on,” Junho said breaking the silence after a few minutes.

Junsu grunted in response.

He really didn’t want to turn on his phone; but after a few minutes Junho eventually persuaded him to do so just in case the other members of DBSK wanted to contact him. Junsu grudgingly agreed on that point and reached for his phone on the table before taking a seat in his brother’s lap.

As soon as he turned his phone on message after message started flashing at him and after checking he saw they were all from Jaejoong asking him if he was alright and if he was having a good time.

“He’s got such a mother complex,” Junsu said with a groan as he leaned back against Junho’s chest.

“He’s just worried about you,” Junho replied as he fed his brother a slice of fruit while running his free hand up and down the latter’s thighs and smearing more come on the smooth skin.

Junsu hummed in agreement and accepted the fruit before typing a quick reply to Jaejoong to say everything was fine and he hoped that Jaejoong and the other members were also having a good time doing whatever it was they were doing.

His phone vibrated almost straight away and he wondered if Jaejoong had been carrying his phone around all day waiting for his reply.

“Aren’t you going to answer that?” Junho asked resting his head on Junsu’s shoulder.

“Do I have to?” Junsu said with a pout.

Junho didn’t answer as he slowly undid the waistband holding Junsu’s kimono together.

Junsu huffed and pressed the answer button.


“Junsu! Why did you reply me so late? I was so worried something had happened to you!”

Guilt flashed through Junsu momentarily for having made the oldest member of the group worry about him during their rare break.

“Sorry hyung, I turned my phone off because I didn’t want to get disturbed in case manager-hyung decided to call.”

He heard a sigh of relief from the other end but also knew Jaejoong was slightly unhappy with his decision.

“So you’re having a good time with Junho then?”

“Yea it’s been great. We spent all day yesterday catching up and ahh-” Junsu gasped in surprise as Junho bit him lightly on the shoulder.

He turned around to glare at his brother who had a mischievous grin on his face.

“Su what happened? Is everything okay?”

Junsu shook his head at Junho before quickly turning his attention back to the phone call.

“Oh everything’s just fine-” he turned around to glare at Junho again who only smiled at him in return.

Stop it he mouthed reaching for Junho’s hand which had just slipped under his kimono to cup his balls.


“Everything’s fine hyung sorry I-nghh,” Junsu’s reply was cut off again as he tried to hold back another moan as Junho licked a wet trail up his neck.

“Umm c-can we talk later? I’m a little busy at the moment,” Junsu tried again using his free hand to try and wrench Junho’s hand away as he was about to flick a finger at his nipple. Junho chuckled and slipped his other hand under the kimono again to tug on Junsu’s cock.

This time Junsu couldn’t stop the moan from escaping past his lips.

“I-I’ll call you later hyung s-sorry,” and with that he quickly ended the call before Jaejoong had a chance to reply.

Throwing his phone onto the table beside him Junsu let out another moan as Junho gave his cock another firm stroke.

“Hyungg~” Junsu whined in protest even though at the same time his legs spread wider of their own accord.

“What? Not my fault you decided to wear something so sexy,” Junho replied before pressing kisses down Junsu’s neck to his shoulders.

“But you like it when I dress like this right?” Junsu whispered innocently.

“God Su you’re such a tease,” Junho said releasing Junsu’s cock to trail his fingers lightly over his entrance which was still slick with Junho’s come. Junsu whined and then let out a squeal when Junho flipped him over onto his back.

He was about to protest when something cool pressed against his stomach causing him to let out a gasp.

Looking down he saw a slice of peach on his stomach held between Junho’s teeth. Junho met his gaze and then dragged the fruit up his stomach to his chest before pressing it against Junsu’s lips. Junsu accepted the offered fruit moaning when Junho started licking his way down cleaning all the peach juice from his skin.

When he reached Junsu’s stomach, Junho dipped his tongue into the latter’s navel where the juice had trickled down causing Junsu to squeal and giggle in the process.

Junho repeated this process pressing the cool slices of fruit on Junsu’s stomach sliding it up and down before either offering it to Junsu or eating it himself.

“Hyungg,” Junsu gasped when he thought his body couldn’t take anymore teasing. The fruits were cold against his heated skin and his cock was already hard with excitement. It didn’t go unnoticed by Junho who decided to tease Junsu further and tip the rest of the juice that had gathered on the plate onto his stomach.

Junsu gasped as the cold liquid hit his skin; he could feel it spreading over his stomach and trickling down his sides. Junho was quick though and lapped at the juice before it dripped onto the futon or ruined the kimono even further.

Junsu squirmed around as Junho’s tongue licked at his sensitive spots while his hands ran up and down his spread legs.

“Hyung, fuck me now please,” Junsu pleaded carding his fingers through his brother’s hair and tugging.

Junho was only too happy to oblige and when his cock was sliding smoothly into his brother’s ass once more he silently wondered how many more rounds it would take before Junsu’s body would be satisfied.


Grabbing Junsu’s phone off the table, Junho switched it to camera mode and then held it up at an angle. Junsu frowned at the lens and turned to bury one side of his face against Junho’s neck just when the latter pressed the camera button.

“What are you doing?” Junsu asked with a tiny whine.

“Just taking a photo for memory,” Junho replied as he pressed a few buttons on the keypad. Seconds later his own phone started vibrating on the table and he reached over to flip it open. After messing around with it for a bit he showed the screen to Junsu with a grin.

“There, my new wallpaper,” he announced proudly.

Junsu frowned.

“Hyung you shouldn’t, what if someo-”

“Shh it’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with putting me and my brother as my wallpaper.”

“But hy-”

Junho pressed a kiss against his brother’s lips to cut off his protests.

“But the top of my kimono is showing,” Junsu tried again weakly when they broke apart for air.


Junsu looked at the photo again and couldn’t help but let out a small smile. They were known for being close twins so technically no one would really question Junho or himself about it right? And if Junho happened to be naked behind him in the photo too then so be it.

“Come on, let’s take another one,” Junho suggested pulling Junsu against him. Junsu didn’t protest this time, going along willingly.

Junho held up the phone and Junsu made a cute pose tucking his fists under his chin as he waited for Junho to press the button. Junho grinned and turned to press a kiss against Junsu’s cheek at the last second.

“Hyungg~” Junsu whined while Junho just grinned cheekily. Junsu blushed when he saw the photo; this was something that normal couples would do right?

“Okay it’s your wallpaper now, you’re not allowed to change it,” Junho declared shoving the phone into Junsu’s hands.

“Ah hyung but,” Junsu started to protest but was cut off when Junho kissed him on the lips.

“You’re not - kiss - allowed - kiss - to - kiss - change it - kiss - okay?” Junho said between kisses.

Junsu couldn’t help but smile once again at his brother’s actions. How could he decline his brother’s request when the latter was like this?

“Okay I promise I won’t.”

“Good. Hmm … we should take a few more just for memory,” Junho suggested.

Junsu was about to protest saying that two photos were already enough when Junho pushed him onto his stomach. Junsu landed with a squeal and then gasped when Junho quickly took a photo of him sprawled out on the futon.

Before Junsu could attempt to get up though Junho then joined him aligning his body on top of Junsu’s and taking a few more shots. Junsu gave up on stopping his brother and let him pull them up into a sitting position and take a few more suggestive ones before Junho was finally satisfied.

“Hmm … I should’ve taken some photos of us yesterday too for memory,” Junho said to himself as he pulled Junsu against him to lie on the futon.

Junsu complied and snuggled up against his brother throwing a leg over the latter’s hip.

“What are you doing?” he asked after awhile when Junho was still pressing the keypads on his phone.

“Sending these pictures to myself of course,” Junho replied simply.

“Mmm can’t you do it later?” Junsu asked as he trailed a hand down Junho’s side.

“Su don’t that tickles. Wait I’m nearly done,” Junho said with a chuckle as he tried to move away from Junsu’s roaming hand.

Junsu giggled and rolled his hips pressing his half hard erection against Junho’s hip.

Junho’s fingers faltered on the keypad and then he swore just as Junsu’s hand brushed over his cock.

“Ahh fuck, Su!”


“Umm …”

Junsu tilted his head up in question.

“You made me press the wrong key and I just accidentally sent the photo to Jaejoong’s number …”

“… You’re kidding me …”


“You serious?”

“… Yea …”

Junsu’s eyes widened in disbelief as he sat up and snatched the phone off his brother to check.

He read the recipient’s name several times hoping it was just a joke but Jaejoong’s name was there on the screen. Then he saw the subject line underneath which read ‘to my sexy Ho’ and dropped the phone.

“Oh my god …” Junsu whispered as he did a mental facepalm.

His phone vibrated where he’d dropped it and a message started flashing on the screen. Junsu stared at it like it was the end of the world until Junho nudged him in the side urging him to look at it. It was from Jaejoong.

Jaejoong - Are you wearing a female kimono?

Junsu - Umm sorry wrong number …

Jaejoong - And is that come on your thighs?

Junsu didn’t really know how to answer that and instead just collapsed onto his brother’s chest with a whimper.

Junho grabbed the phone from his brother’s limp fingers and then let out a chuckle at Jaejoong’s question.

“Hyung it’s not funny, what am I supposed to say to that?”

“Tell him your water broke,” Junho said with grin.

Junsu groaned and grabbed the phone back staring at the screen.

“Hey at least he’s not calling you and demanding for an explanation.”

Just as Junho finished saying that sentence however, Junsu’s phone started vibrating in his palm, Jaejoong’s name flashing on the screen.

“You just had to jinx it,” Junsu mumbled in a defeated tone.

“Well … you were talking about how you wanted to tell everyone about our relationship right? Now’s a good chance to be honest with the other members,” Junho suggested with a small smile.

“I don’t really have a choice in this do I?”

“Not really.”

Junsu took a deep breath and then answered the call.


Half an hour later …

“Finally!” Junsu cried out flinging the phone onto the floor before relaxing back into Junho’s embrace.

Junho chuckled and tightened his hold around Junsu’s waist.

“Seriously hyung, if you were the one who just spent the last thirty minutes answering Jaejoong-hyung’s questions you wouldn’t be laughing so laid-back right now.”

Jaejoong had spent the last half hour asking just what exactly had been going on between the Kim twins and once Junsu had confirmed their relationship, had gone on to ask about each and every detail finally ending the call with ‘I never knew you would look so hot in a kimono’.

“At least he wasn’t against it,” Junho pointed out.

Junsu hummed in agreement as he turned around and wrapped his arms around the older twin’s neck.

That was true. He’d been so worried that Jaejoong would be disgusted at him and call him a freak but it was quite the opposite however. Jaejoong had been shocked when Junsu had confirmed he was in a relationship with his own twin brother, but then he’d quickly gotten over it and started pestering Junsu with questions teasing the younger man and making his cheeks flush red.

“So since they know about us now, you’re going to drop me off at the dorms as your punishment. At least if you’re with me, they can tease you about it too.”

“Aww so you’re not asking me to go with you because you don’t want to part with me so soon?” Junho asked in mock hurt.

“You know I don’t want to part with you,” Junsu whispered leaning closer to the older man.

“I’m going to miss you.”

“I’m going to miss you too.”

“Will you cry if I start talking about how I wish we could stay like this longer?”

“Yes so shut up and kiss me.”

Junho smiled and pressed their lips together in a sweet kiss.


In the end even though Junsu didn’t need to worry about his band members being against the relationship, he did have another problem to worry about …

“Su will you wear a kimono for us too?”



“No Yoochun, just no.”

“But you looked really hot in that photo you sent to Jaejoong.”

“Shut up that was an accident. Junho sent it to the wrong number.”

“It’s my wallpaper now you know. And Jaejoong’s too.”


“When did you start cross-dressing anyway?”

“I don’t.”

“But that kimono …”


“I went through your wardrobe the other day.”


“Do you have any kimonos that will fit Changmin?”


Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

A/N: I am soooooooo sorry it took me so long to finish writing the last part to this fic OTL it just did not want to cooperate with me ...
Hopefully the events here didn't seem too rushed >_<
I really do hope everyone enjoyed reading this and I apologize once again for taking so long to finish this!
Please don't hesitate to leave me a comment on what you think >3< ♥

genre: smut, complete: vacation, fandom: dbsk, rating: nc-17, genre: romance, pairing: junho/junsu, length: chaptered, genre: incest

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