Oct 04, 2003 09:23

Ok so after we left from The Spot we were going to meet Sexbomb at some Shell station and we got there and it was all scary and dark.
scary thing #6. It was dark and weird and closed! and there was a man pumping gas! it was closed!!
And Sexbomb was not there so we called him and he was at the gas station across the street. So we drive over there and we park next to Sexbomb's car and it was all dark inside and we were like where is he??!
scary thing #7. All we could see is the sillohette of a boy in a hood sitting in the back seat and we all scream!!!!
He get's out and I guess laughs at us because we were scared haha. We left and went to pick up Sexbombs buddy and on the way there. .
scary thing #8. There was this scary black bum in the middle of the street with a basket!!
Anyway, we stopped infront of Sexbomb's friend's apartment and discussed what we were going to do, we decided on going to Gravity Hill. We went to the gas station to get some gas (obviously) and Sexbomb and Chanel chased eachother like second graders haha and Chanel was an idiot and let gas leek out of the thing! That was scary though haha. So we were on our way. .
scary thing #9. It sooo felt like Sexbomb was taking us out there to kill us!
Well we were almost there and Sexbomb stops his car and asks for some company and so we decide Chanel will go with him. ONLY ONE PROBLEM. Chanel's the only one with her lisence DUHH.
scary thing #10.I drove us up this dark, turny, mountain!
It was fine, I was a really good driver but it was still really scary! Sexbomb was driving too fast but we caught up to him. At one point he stopped and I drove up next to him and he said (really scarely like he does) turn off your car. So I turned it off and said "What?" it turns out he just wanted to show us that it was pitch black ahh.
scary thing #11 (THIS IS THE ULTIMATE SCARY). So I was driving and driving and then Sexbomb stops his car and there is a BURNING CAR INFRONT OF HIM!!! and he turns around and his car is perpandicularly infront of ours and he says, with this face I've never seen him make, "TURN THE FUCK AROUND!" and that's when we all paniced!!! Megan opens her door and gets out!!! and Kerri and Kenza are just in the back seat screaming!! and I was on the left side of the road because we thought that sexbomb wanted to say something to us so we pulled next to him so if I had made a regular Uturn I would have Uturned our asses of the cliff! and we were all panicing and yelling and AHHHHHHH!!! So then we finally turn around and this Mustang is in front of us, and we were freaking out because we thought he was going to try and block us in!!! So then I turned and we drove down the hill and there was a car following us all the way downand then chanel jumped in teh car and we all drove away....yay!!!
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