We interrupt this program...

Jul 23, 2007 11:10

I've been thinking a bit about LJ lately, and how I might change how I use it. The trouble is, I'd like to be able to have two friends lists, one more public for fellow authors, fans and other interesting people in sf, and one private one for close friends.

This ought to be doable with LJ as it is. After all, you can make some posts private and leave others public. Problem is, this journal was discovered by a fan of my books back in 2005. Now, one fan happening upon my LJ isn't a big problem, and the comment was a nice one. But that fan revealed that they got the link from a forum, and I knew from the fanmail I get that things could get a bit out of hand. In a blog meant to keep me in contact with friends and such, copius gushy comments and endless cries of "Why? Why did you kill him?" would probably get annoying, for me and my friends. So I made all my posts private.

Part of the reason I'm reviewing how I use LJ stems from reviewing how I use (or don't use) my author blog. I'm looking into getting a better blog program and setting up an RSS feed. If I do that, then perhaps I could put my public posts there, which would then appear here in LJ, and have a smaller friends list of close friends for when I blog about private matters.

Now, it could be that enough time has passed that the link to this site has been forgotten. Maybe if I just start blogging publicly here nothing will happen. But if something does, I will probably close this LJ and start another.

Anyway, if you notice a change in my posting, or I take you off my friends list, or this LJ disappears, then rest assured I'm not unhappy with you reading my LJ or have vanished off the face of the earth, I'm just working on setting up the new format. When the RSS feed is up I'll let everyone know how to subcribe to it.


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