Feb 08, 2010 13:34
Since the burglary, our truck/bakkie has blown a gasket and several other things which translates into requiring a complete engine overhaul.
The insurance company has only paid me out a third of the value, and the owner of this massive house is sooooo poor, he can't afford to meet the rest of the value.
A very good friend of ours loaned us her car while we struggled on, only to have it stolen from the local shopping centre two weeks later.
My wife was suspended a third time for disobeying and arguing which means that she was fired.
I still don't have a job yet, despite many interviews.
However, I've gone through the crappy-government unemployment-plan through their hospital and I see a neurologist on the 23rd. I also no longer pay for my anti-depressants which was an ecstatic surprise.
It is VERY hot here; I'm trying to finish one of those gathered gypsy-like skirts, and I also need to work in the herbs, heat permitting.