Oct 14, 2006 18:37
hey guys!! omg i havent updated in ages!
well uni is great... i feel really settled in now. its like bein at skl really, dont feel strange anymore! im slightly annoyed tho cos its a no smokin zone and thats fine.. but where do these smoking bimbo's smoke? right in front of the door so if you want to go in or out of a building, you have to walk through a thick cloud of smoke. i told my friend that i would have lung cancer by the time i left... all this passive smoking... not good
thats my uni rant all done. BUT i feel soooooo decieved!when i applied for my student loan, my student account wasnt ready and so i had 2 use my old account. now my student account is ready and i want to transfer all my money. so i decided that instead of paying to have it moved (omg how sucky) i thought id take a chunck out everyday. went to town 2 the lloyds cash machine by the toilets in the harlequin and asked for a cash withdrawal with receipt for £300. it took my card, debited my account, gave me a receipt and i stood there like a lemon waiting for my money... and i waited... and i waited. then i realised my money wasnt comin n that i have been skanked. got the number for lloyds and ran 2 the pay fone downstairs as it was a high rate no from mobiles and i was like "u stole my money bitch!" and they told me to call woolwhich which i did and i was like "lloyds stole my money bitch!" and then they told me to go get an ATM dispute form to get my money. even tho i know i'll get my £300 back, i still feel really cheated and dont trust atm's again!:(
anyway, i miss everyone lots! cant wait for xmas when we can all meet again! and we can see how different and mature (ye right!) we've all become! new friends not as good as old friends methinks!
yay i finish fasting next week! woot!
speak soon xxxxxx