Horses and Houses

Aug 14, 2010 17:01

So today when we arrived for our ride, I was greeted with "You're on Midnight today.  You've been riding really well for the past few weeks so I think I'll give you a promotion and see how you do!"  Um, thanks? Nothing like pressure first thing on a Saturday.

But Midnight is gorgeous.  He's eight and seems to have been quite well trained but he hasn't been worked much, so he's basically got the mannerisms and excitability of a four year old - he gets confused if the reins are even a little bit loose and he can't do corners by himself and in general needs a lot of help from his rider that most eight year old school horses don't.  But he's pretty and very willing and has the smoothest canter and jump I think I've ever sat on.  Despite a tendency to stop dead for no reason or, alternatively, get overexcited, dance sideways and take off, he's an absolutely joy to ride.  I'm a little bit in love with him.  (Ha, who am I kidding...I am absolutely crazy, head over heels, love-at-first-ride in love with him.)

It was a LOT of fun. And after the ride I got told I had done very well so that made me even happier.  Apparently I have good hands. I lived up to expectations.  Maybe this means I'll get to ride him again next week. *crosses fingers and wishes very very hard*  And then he bit me, but in an absent-minded, I wonder if you are edible sort of way that was surprisingly easy to forgive.

In other glee, I got the keys for my new house in Dublin yesterday. It is pretty. It is close to the hospital and the city centre and some friends are going to be living in the next street over.  Even more importantly, I get my own room.  After three years of sharing, even with a roommate as nice as I've got, it's going to be really nice having some space.

I am very happy today.

the madhouse, gee up

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