Sep 23, 2004 19:20
So me and vinny figured maddie would be able to keep the sea monkeys. She killed them!!!! i think this is the funniest thing ive heard in years. She calles me up and says "sydnie i have some bad news i killed my sea monkeys." Well i guess in the end she over fed them and there was much to much food in the tank thing so the water was to dirty for them to live. I love you maddie, and vinny we were wrong 4 and up is to old for maddie. But i will get you a new pet maddie i promise and im sorry for your loss. Oh and when we get that new pet we are both going to sit down and figure out exactly how much food to give it.
So tomorrows friday and i am so happy thank god for weekends ive been needing a break school is just frustrating right about now. But dramas starting up so that will make me want to go to school more. YAY!!!!!!! Miss Hiti wont play and improve games in theater class though its strange.