(no subject)

Mar 30, 2007 22:50

Whatever I expected my future to be, it wasn't this. If this is an afterlife, it's a strange one. Definitely not heaven and an odd sort of hell if it is one. Purgatory? Maybe. Not everyone here remembers dying, either, but at least one who doesn't I know to be deceased. As all beings die, merely remembering death or being remembered as dead is not necessarily a limiting factor. We feel alive, but I can't prove it one way or the other. Certainly the oddities of the city and the way in which we are trapped could support this theory.

Of course, this could be some sort of experiment as well. I definitely suspect the majority of the populace as being unreal, constructs or illusions of some kind. Who would be behind this experiment and to what end, hell if I know. And that would still leave mine and Matt's memories unexplained. Could be someone's sick game, too.

I have a place to stay now, which is progress, though I definitely didn't expect to be buying things in the afterlife, either. I suppose I may have to work, too, most likely for other "foreigners" as the natives aren't curious enough to need my services. At least I'm here in my normal clothing, but I wouldn't have minded bringing a bit more with me. Starting over completely like this gets damn old.

Seeing Matt again was a relief and went much better than it could have. I'm glad he's here. Ryuuzaki... well, who ever knows with him? I sure don't, even now. But I can't deny it was nice to see him again, if confusing as all hell.

Paid or not, I'm of course working on why we are all here, starting with a question possibly vital for survival: what or who is it that the natives are so afraid of? They fear to question anything, why? Who or what enforces their ignorance? Finding that out promises to be an adventure.
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