Jan 10, 2005 20:20
This is seriously the WORST sore throat i have ever had in my life. I can barely talk, and i deffinitely sound like a man when i do. So, yeah, i obvsiously couldn't try out for the musical today :(. i was PRETTY t.o'd about that...and the only other time i can try out is on wednesday, so i hope i get better! but then the dance auditions are tomorrow and i really don't think i'll be going to school for that. shite. i was all into it too, and was really prepared! pshh oh well...i'll probably try out for summerstage this summer. whatev. god...when i was signin out today to go home, the woman at the office like didn't believe me that i was sick and so she made me stand there and like question me for EVER and was like "i dont believe you...have your mom call me" J'SUS! and there i was with like a 102.8 temperature!
Finals are next week. It really bothers me how lots of the Holy Names girls get. They're all like OMG I'VE BEEN STUDYING FOR FINALS FOR LIKE 3 MONTHS! and i'm like...uhh yeah, i only study the weekend before...and then they get all pissed off when they get a 98 on a test. OMG FUNNY THING! ok so mr wadleigh came on the intercom and was talking about how people could sign up and go on a HNA bus down to Tacoma for a singing workshop with Nirvana, and the Presidents of the United States of America, and a CERTAIN SOMEONE, i won't name any names because i'm too nice to do that...was like "EWW I DONT WANT TO GO TO A WORKSHOP WITH GEORGE BUSH!" i was like oooohhh man. i thought it was quite funny.
I seroiusly think that the only way i'm actually able to struggle through holy names is because of my friends. haha as corny as that may sound...but its true. like why else would i be going to holy names when i could go to some crap ass school and slack off?? its because of all of my awesome g's. haha.
it was SO great to see Roman this weekend. Hadn't seen him for a while and hes such a cutie. I really am a hopeless romantic though...seriously...i can find anything romantic...even a coffee cup (meredith brought that to my attention) yeah i'm gonna go suck an ice cube or something because i think i might die of throat pain.