Billy's wean

Apr 30, 2006 22:21

I can't believe I'm about to post this on it goes...

Over at Welcome to Middle Earth Forum we've decided that Billy and Ali need more than cards congratulating them on their new addition; they need nappies, and onesies, and socks and wipes, and all the things babies require.

Rather than trying to guess what they don't have, or will need in the future, we're going to get a voucher for them for a baby store here in Glasgow.

A card will be making its way around the US for Loons to sign. I'll also be giving my paypal details for those who want to donate to the voucher. And to show I'm honest, I'll scan the receipt for the voucher and the totals so you know you money went to the voucher itself and not into my wee pocket.

If you're interested, please email me at the address on my profile here, visit/join/post at WME in the thread for Billy's boy or comment here. We'll exchange all details privately so you don't have to worry about anything being breached.

Thanks for all your help,
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