Things here are quite bland without you. Since you've left,
Frodo went off to
the Fringe for his play.
It's been quiet around the flat without the two of you here. Miles is annoying me to the point of murder. He misses both of you, and walks around the flat yowling, hoping he'll find you in some hidden corner. When he gets in trouble (which is often now that he's being a pest), he runs into your room and pouts. Your bed is now covered in hair. Sorry about that.
Regan came over on Wednesday night to keep me company. We watched the first episode of Lost, then watched Airplane!, which we thought would be an ironic choice. That movie is hilarious, if not a bit bizarre in places.
Yesterday, we cleaned the flat vigorously, even to the point of polishing the wooden tables. We have too many wooden tables. I recommend we change to Ikea fake wood so we don't have to polish.
We ordered pizza. We gorged. I was so full, I thought I would burst. It was fantastic.
Later, Regan's friend See-moose, came over to join us for drinks. We stayed up until 3am talking and drinking. It was a lovely time.
Today I am tired, but I'm going out to see a movie this afternoon before work. It's my present to myself for having been bored all week.
BTW, I did post your packet to Borderline. I even got to see the postman come and take it away.
Hope you're having fun...miss you