Survey:[Choose one of the following]- IBM stellar sphere/Microsoft
galaxy/Planet Starbucks: planet starbucks-
Jack's broken heart/complete lack of surprise/smirking revenge/cold
sweat/raging bile duct/inflamed sense of rejection/wasted life:
smirking revenge- Ghandi/William Shattner: GhandiNow a question of
ettiquite, do I give you the ass or the crotch? crotch[Have you/do
you/are you/what]- attend(ed) any support groups? no- find relief in
crying? i think its funny- If you had a tumor, what would you name it?
jacqui- What's the longest you've gone without sleep? 4 times
24...56...right?- Clever? If so, how's it working out for you? i think
so...and im kinda happy- a sick desperation in your laugh? my laugh is
interesting...but i dont think its desperation- aware of how to make a
napalm? yes, and a number of other explosives all from simple household
items- an owner of a dildo? i dont- live in a condo? no- travel
often? yes- a house full of condiments but no food? not sure...hardly
eat here- *69 people because you never pick up the phone? dad
would kill me- been in a fight? does family count?- any scars? a few-
your most serious injust related to fighting: mine...dont really have
any[opinion]- How do you feel about dying without any scars? It would
be fucking pitiful-
Believe that you cannot know much about yourself without having been in
a fight? Violence is the cornerstone of civilization, you cannot know
yourself, nor can you know the world around you unless you have been in
a fight- Could you have been Edward Norton in the particular scene,
where would you have hit Tyler Durden? im not sure...tyler is just so
hot...i wouldnt want him to have scars- If you could fight any
historical figure which would you choose? abraham lincon- If you could
fight any celebrity which would you choose? kirsten dunst- If you were
to die right now, how would you feel about your life? ehhh...itd be
kinda cool...the miracle of death- What do you wish you would have done
that you never did? punched jacqui right on her fat jewish nose the
next time she said something stupid/ annoying[quiz]- the first rule of
Fight Club is: you do not talk about fight club- the second rule of
Fight Club is: you do not talk about fight club- the third rule of
Fight Club is: the fight is over when someone yells stop, goes limp, or
taps out- the fourth rule of Fight Club is: two guys to a fight- the
fifth rule of Fight Club is: one fight at a time- the sixth rule of
Fight Club is: no shirts, no shoes- the seventh rule of Fight Club is:
the fight will go on as long as it has to- the eighth rule of Fight
Club is: if this is your first night at fight club, you have to fight-
Favorite quote from Fight Club: "I've met God across his long walnut
desk with his diplomas hanging on the wall behind him, and God asks me,
"Why?"Why did I cause so much pain?Didn't I realize that each of us is
a sacred, unique snowflake of special unique specialness?Can't I see
that we're all manifestations of love?I look at God behind his desk,
taking notes on a pad, but God's got this all wrong.We are not
special.We are not crap or trash either. We just are.We just are, and
what happens just happens.And God says, "No, that's not right."Yeah.
Well. Whatever. You can't teach God anything. "and then i also really
like"i am jack's colon, i get cancer, i kill jack""i want to have your
abortions"'' i havent been fucked like that since grade school" and so
many more...good good movie[choose]- cut which wire: red, yellow, black
or green? green- prefer near-life or near-death experiences?
near-life...i think it would hurt...but itd be good to have-
pick 4 support groups from the following: lymphoma, tuberculosis,
testicular cancer, brain parasites, blood parasites, organic brain
dementia: testicular...i have more right to be there than edward..i
dont have my balls, lymphoma, and organic brain dementia, and i think
ill go with tuberculosis- if you were Marla in the bus scene, where
would you go? to bed- what kind of dining set defines you as a person?
something plastic... it wont break- where is home? Michigan- what's in
your laugh? happiness[are you/are those]- bruises from fighting? yes-
enlightened? no...just feel better afterwards- comfortable with that?
yes, oh yes.