A poll of sorts..

Aug 19, 2005 09:48

Ok here's the problem: I have very few members on my forums, but the ones that I do have are these... 12-16 yr. old "omg lyk lets be ana it's a lifestyle not a disease, praise goddess ana bullshit" anyway, I want real ed sufferers, no the pro-ana lose weight for prom ed groupies. I dont promote nor do I allow tips on my forum or any "pro-ed" content, yet... the teenie boppers--the pro ana ones flock there. How do I make my forum stand out as a real ed sufferes board and not a cess pool for the pro-ana movement????

*Note, this was not to offend real ed sufferers who are in the age group mentioned above, so please do not take offense, and if you did please accept my most humble appologies, as I was only speaking on one sector of an age roup and not the age group as a whole.*
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