Apr 08, 2010 15:58
Today has been a spectacular fail day. You know those ones where you just don't achieve anything and even the thought of deciding what to do to procrastinate from what you should be doing is too hard? Yeh, one of those. I have been sat on my own at Jon's all day so the gas man could come and magic some hot water back (which he did at the joyful hour of 8.30am) and since then....well yeh, I've washed up (purely because my hands were so cold they needed hot water, not out of any housewife love), I've fallen asleep, woken myself up by babbling in my sleep, and then watched House. So much for doing the rest of my dissertation, or starting at least one of the two essays I have, or doing my french presentation. Ooops.
Anyway, all my sporadic posts seem to be about uni work, I should really stop this and try and at least portray the image that I have a life! So yes, life....
Well my birthday party was amazing! So many pretty people and amazing music and corsetry and yeh, suffice to say I was in my element. A few dramas and such put a slight downer of the night, but nothing that could be helped. I look forward to going again at some point, though I'm not sure I have any other outfits other than the trusty corset and tutu look!
Since then I've been doing a lot of chilling and too much relaxing, but I'm enjoying it and it's nice not to be too stressed, though I can feel it rising again as the start of term approaches. But anyway, I shall be back where I started if I go down that route. Tonight, should Jon ever get back from work, we're going out to dinner for one of his friends' birthdays, which should be nice. Or at least it will be if I ever get out of bed and stop watching House! Maybe I shall go play dress up and get ready instead :)