this icon amused me.
this morning, i am feeling really tired, but i am unreasonably awake.
i tried to fall asleep last night at a reasonable hour, but ended up
watching the rest of the game. damn red sox (i love you guys).
this morning on my way to D&D (which is becoming my morning ritual) i was acosted by two homeless women who wanted money. i don't carry much cash with me when i go to work because i really don't need it, and i had enough for my morning coffee, and so when they asked me for some change i had to tell them that i didn't have any, and that i was sorry. do you know that one of them said:
"fucken bitch." to me. i was really taken aback.
did i really deserve to be called a bitch? did you see me complain that you're always in front of the entrance to D&D every morning, blocking every patron's entrance into the shop? no i didn't. i realize that its difficult being homeless, and its frustrating and maddening and the approaching cold weather is stressful and frightening. i mean, i used to volunteer at Rosie's Place all through out my time at boarding school, and i have heard the horror stories, and i really do sympathize, but making me (or anyone else for that matter) feel bad for not giving you money really isn't fair, and i refuse to feel bad about it.
i stood there with my mouth open and after the initial shock, i said: "that really wasn't necessary. if i had it, i would have given it to you. there was no reason for you to be so rude." by then another person was approaching the door, and so i held the door open for him, and went in to get my coffee. but the whole scene left me feeling rather frustrated and angry, and i don't like feeling that way-- especially not as a start to my day.
i think i am also feeling a little frazzled over something that i said to someone yesterday. i feel like i left this person a little freaked, and that wasn't my intention. sometimes i say exactly what's on my mind, when its on my mind. in this situation, i didn't do it to elicit a response, but more as an observation on a topic / a situation. anyway, i'm not going to go into detail about it, but it bothered me-- of course only after i said it-- and i don't want to talk about it further-- to anyone-- but it did bother me enough to want to post about it.
on a happier note. i am wearing a black mini today-- yeah i know, its cold, but i wanted to wear my skirts before it gets too cold to be *cute*-- and i got a wolf whistle, from two of the construction workers near my job, as i was coming from D&D. hahaah it made me laugh. flattery is the sincerest compliment :)
morning all!