Prompt Post!
This is a permanent prompt post where you can leave me ideas or prompts, make requests for fics and other fanworks (such as fanmixes and fanart), and generally ask for things you'd like me to write or create that is fandom-specific.
Give me a pairing/character and attach a situation or something like a photo/song lyric/bit of poetry/color/theme/location/specific scene...any such detail you desire. Also tell me if you want fic or art or a mix-tape.
+ If your prompt inspires the muses, I'll offer up a piece of fanwork. I can't guarantee I will fill your request. If I do, I might write/create it quickly, I might only get to it in a year, I might never get to it at all. It might end up being a 100-word drabble or a Big Bang story or something somewhere in between. I might use it to help me fill a Bingo card or a prompt table. But it will be for *you* because I love writing for other people, even if I fail at deadlines in general. ;)
+ I don't have any restrictions at the moment -- feel free to request ANY character/pairing/threesome/moresome in any genre and in any fandom you know I'm familiar with. Het, Gen, Slash, RPF, it's all love. I'm also willing to do crossovers, AU/ARs, and fusions. [I'm generally pretty open to trying new things and writing outside my comfort zone, but I'll let you know if I can't write that specific character/pairing or specific kink/trope/genre for whatever reason when you make your request.]
+ I am also down to make music mixes that are not fandom-specifc, just prompt me with the theme or idea you'd like the mix to focus on.
+ Check out my
Fanwork Masterlist to see what types of things I've created in the past, and my
About Me post to see what fandoms I currently fangirl over. [Do feel free to ask me about TV shows/book universes (old and new) not listed in my About Me post that you know that I'm familiar with or are curious if I am familiar with. Chances are I've watched/read/loved those too and would be willing to create something for them.]
+ Also, feel free to ask for sequels or timestamps, beg me to finish an abandoned WIP, etc. etc.
Thank you so much! ♥