May 04, 2007 01:59

Well fuck.  Luke and I have a new roommate, it would seem, and it's a girl.

Which means I have to sleep in the same room as Luke, which would have been bad enough if he and Zelos were getting along.  But now Zelos thinks Luke betrayed him and Luke blames me for that.  Fun.

That's not so bad though.  At least Luke entertains me.

What is irritating is that the Warden stopped by today and refused to give me either my gun or better chocolate.  There has to be better stuff than this around.  If not, then this world probably deserves to be destroyed.



But even that doesn't compare to who I found today.

Near's here.

...I don't know whether to be glad, for with Near around I won't be bored, or to be pissed off.  Well, at least things are getting interesting here...

au: zelos wilder, chocolate, ou: near, au: luke fon fabre

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