Für Neuzugänge, und die, die es noch nicht gemacht haben:
Es wäre toll, wenn ihr den Steckbrief unten bitte ergänzen würdet! Kommentare werden verdeckt bei diesem Eintrag. Viel Spaß beim Ausfüllen! Merci xoxo
1. Your name:
2. Birthday:
3. Where do you live:
4. What are you studying/What are you working as:
5. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?:
6. What are you listening to right now?:
8. Dislikes:
9. What was the last thing you ate?:
10. What was the last movie you watched?:
11. Your Favorite Day of the Year?:
12. Favorite place to be:
13. Favorite lyric/song:
14. Favorite book:
15. Favorite film:
16. Favorite tv show:
17. MSN/ICQ/Facebook etc:
18. Put a picture of yourself:
1. One thing you like about me:
2. Three things you like about yourself: