Title: Cambion: Prologue
Pairings: none for prologue
Rating: this doesn't need one, right? lol
A/N: This will be the prologue for my Cambion series. It's not going to be chaptered, instead it will be a series of oneshots with different pairings (with one main character, not going to reveal him just yet lol). For those who doesn't know what a Cambion is, there is a short note at the end.
When he was born,
There wasn't a heartbeat,
There wasn't a breath.
And there wasn't an end
To his cries.
Staring back at her,
A creature
So beautiful
With not a sign
Of imperfection
On its figure.
His heart beats
When he reaches 7
He knows
He has a job
A mission
He has to fulfill
For he
Can not escape
His destiny
Of being created
By the hands
Of the sinful.
A/N2: A cambion is most often depicted as the offspring of an incubus and a human woman. At birth, the infant has no pulse and no breath. This continues until the child is about seven years old, where it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate one from a human. A cambion is usually devilishly cunning and angelically beautiful, able to persuade even the most strong-hearted individual to do his or her bidding. (source: Wikipedia)
More info here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambion Please don't beat me to death if my oneshots fail to meet your expectations. I'm not someone that writes much, so... *hides* Sorry in advance OTL
and again, sorry if i fail to update this series OTL i made a prologue for one of my earlier fics and end up only posting the prologue and fail to post the other chapters for it is incomplete (and i've changed fandom... how sad) OTL