Вот почему я старалась родить детей до сентября! (прислали из садика)
I wanted to share this information with you as you consider Kindergarten for your child in the next few years.
http://www.aroundthecapitol.com/billtrack/text.html?bvid=20090SB138190CHP Here is the full bill that passed
..California Ed code that has been amended regarding the new kindergarten start age. It will become the new law next year.
The basic new requirements.
2011-2012 school year - Must be 5 by Dec. 2
2012-2013 school year - must be 5 by Nov. 2
2013-2014 school year - must be 5 by Oct. 2
2014 and beyond - must be 5 by Sept. 2