Title: Awakening
Pairing: Sherlock/John
Category: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Beta: The brilliant
arianedevereWord count: 869
Translation into Chinese available
here (thank you,
Lowtension!), into Czech available
here (thank you,
miamam!) and into Russian available
here and
here (thank you,
Summary: In which not a word is uttered but many things
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Really? I thought I was like Arthur Shappey on peach schnapps. *whispers* I was terrifying!
But it was fun - and I tell you what, gang, working with a not-first-language English speaker is amazing - it really makes you think about your everyday language and consider why you say certain things that you just take for granted.
Plus, of course, I got to see this a couple of days before everyone else. And I knew the story would be amazing when I was already filling up with tears at the bloody summaryI'm so proud of you, Choco - your writing improves with every story (and it was bloody brilliant to start with), and you have a natural ability to get inside the heads and hearts of your characters and show us what they're thinking and feeling, with such a beautiful soft narrative voice that I find myself leaning closer to the screen to listen ( ... )
You were terrifyingly lovely, if you prefer. :D
You're a very lacrymal person, aren't you? I give you pining, you cry. I give you UST, you cry. I give you fluff, you cry. I give you happy endings, you cry. It's only when I give you a celeriac and aliens that you don't cry. But it's fine. Tears and wibbling are very good to my ego. :D Thank you again for your very patient and very helpful beta-ing, you've been adorable!
you have a natural ability to get inside the heads and hearts of your characters
Well, for want of getting inside their bed...
It must be an eye problem - I wouldn't worry about it :D
(But I was kind - I washed them off a bit and sprayed them with Febreze before packing them off.)
;) ;)
(grit in my eye; I swear!)
*sniffles just for the sake of it*
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