Attention Team Richezza:
In light of examining the qualities that your team has to offer, we have decided on a location to dispatch you to.
We would like for you to investigate the Cargo Hold. We have records of the last shipment that the Sigrun received before disappearing, and we feel that one of the crates might have played a role in the crew's disappearance! Recover that crate and any data you can on it!
OOC Info
Gravity: no
Life-support: No
Energy: no
As you search the lightless cargo hold, you'll notice that any and all crates that held food and perishable items have been torn open and their contents devoured. You'll hear noises, but it might just be the ship settling. The crate you're looking for is in one of the offices, and as you approach them, the creaking and groaning will become louder. When you search the offices, you'll find that the terminals have all been destroyed, by what, you don't know. Curiously though, they all seem to have been torn apart by the same thing that tore open the crates of food. When you finally reach the office with the crate you seek, everything will seem least at first. What your team will see are hundreds upon hundreds of glistening eggs, all netted in a mucus membrane around the office. The crate you sought? Open, with crushed egg shells spilling out of it. What your team won't see, however, are the nano-threads that are netted throughout the office. Touching even one will alert the denizens of this section of the hold that their nest is in danger. That creaking you heard will turn into a tumultuous roar as the vents burst open,
hundreds of these pouring out to defend their nest. There is no prize to be brought back to the Thor here, there is only survival. Do your best to survive and good luck!
Mello (leader)
Wolf O'Donnell
Sherlock '09
Team division:
- Agito, Integra, Rose, Mello (navigator)
- Richezza, Wolf, Ammy, Sherlock (navigator)
The idea is that the team splits in two, each with a navigator that will show them where to go (the cargo is pretty big). They will have communicators, so they can talk to each other, including the rest of the team that is not with them at the moment. Mello would stay behind with his team to retrieve info and salvageable items, while he'd let Richezza to go front looking for the crates. The idea, however, is for them all to be together when shit hits the fan.
Environment: This area of the ship is completely shut down. While all of the doors are unlocked and full access is permitted, there is no power, no life support, no gravity. Something very clearly cut all wires, and the generator itself is completely destroyed. The cargo hold is one of the harshest areas of the Thor, and as such, your team will have to go well-equipped.
There is nothing to be hacked here and Mello will hate you all for it.
Different sections of the cargo hold are in different stages of decay and disrepair; some are in vacuum, some are not. The section the space spiders have nested in is not in total vacuum, even though life-support and gravity are non-existent (aka, there is no oxygen, but there are other unbreathable gases, making it possible for sound to propagate. AKA, YOU HEAR WEIRD SHIT DURING THE WHOLE THING).
Cargo holds are, by nature, fairly uncomplicated, and this one is no exception. Your characters can try looking for a different exit, but none will immediately present itself; the best bet for escape is pretty clearly the way they came in. Locking the doors may slow anything that is chasing you down, but they can still follow through the vents.
- Suits: You be given access to custom space suits, tailored to fit your proportions and needs, as well as very light weight and durable. They will also be carrying back packs, not only to carry salvageable items, but also to carry the oxygen tanks.
- Weapons: If your character has weaponry, they can bring it, however, Mello is also providing weapons and explosives he stole from his last job as a Black Market Weapons Dealer. The mods let anyone choose their weapons at will as long they aren't over-destructive and unrealistic, and do remember the team must hide the weapons from Thor's Vogons, else they will confiscate them (or you'll have to pay Mello for the weapon. He means it). Think MIB type of weapons.
- Explosives are okay to be brought along. I know in a space ship is just dangerous that you blow things up, but a grenade would not destroy the whole area, simply the office. Implosion devices (NOT nuclear bombs. I'm guessing since this is the future they'd have made smaller implosion devices |: ) - the type that instead of expanding the explosion, basically sucks in the surroundings to the centre of the explosion. These were half made by Mello, half stolen. He will give them for FREE, so bring around several, ay? Fire, unless it's God fire (Ammy), will not burn because there is no oxygen. It will still explode, but the fire will need oxygen to spread.
- Ice guns, plasma guns, lasers, beam particles, all it's a go. Just remember, your character can't carry 69854678 weapons with them. Vogons would notice and they'd be slowed down. Make things realistic when choosing your weapons.
Salvageable items
- They are a bit more useful and plentiful here. It appears the Sigrun was carrying a large freight when it disappeared. This includes, unbelievably, research items, cultural effects, books, all of which record and document the various worlds it had travelled. There's also useful tech, weapons, and supplies for harsh environments, including tools to repair ships and other mecha.
- Angler Fish: Inside, you'll find creatures that cannot stand the light, and will attack at the slightest provocation. While the form of the creatures is completely up to the player, they are dangerous, they move fast in a weightless vacuum, and have faces akin to an angler fish, only with milky white, pupil-less eyeballs. (They're 99 percent blind). They can swim through the vacuum, they can crawl, leap, whatever you, the players, deem necessary. The group can encounter the anglers or not - that's totally up to you! The cargo hold is pretty massive, and you're just exploring a relatively small part of it.
Eggs and Spiders. They have hive mentality and react primarily to vibration, so any movement has the potential to nab their attention. Their eyesight isn't too bad either, though, so don't underestimate that! The spiders do float, just like everything else in zero-g! However, they've also got sticky feet which helps them travel along the walls/floors/ceilings rather than drifting aimlessly through the empty space between those places, and they also have lots of gooey spider webbing to fling around, so all in all, they're at somewhat of a mobility advantage.
- Killing these spiders is easy! Whatever method you'd use to kill ordinary spiders will work on them. The biggest problem, really, is the sheer amount of numbers.
- Everyone is allowed to make their own planning, but they ultimately need to escape.
- Mello will not allow the nest to be destroyed while they are near it. Placing there a bomb is a go, but only explode it when you are AWAY and RUNNING.
- Seeing that spiders react to vibration, so we need make them desoriented and not able to follow the team. For that explosives will come in hand. The more vibration caused, the best, so the idea is to place the explosives in areas that would cause most disturbance in order to "blind" the spiders - and by this I mean several areas, spread away from each other.
- Ammy's fire will come in hand too; don't spend your oxygen so you can burn spiders, use Ammy's fire. Ice gun unfortunately doesn't have infinite water inside, but t may be good to create temporary barriers while they place the explosives.