GB: Mello's Notes

Nov 03, 2010 14:39

Captain's 1st contact
Captain's 2nd contact
Zexion's resume

DATE: 20349

Guide's information on babelfish (after seeing Grand Line, something like a Babelfish evolving is not really that improbable).
The babelfish feeds on brainwave energy received not from its own carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself with. It then excretes into the mind of its carrier a telepathic matrix formed by combining the conscious thought frequencies with nerve signals picked up from the speech centers of the brain which has supplied them. The practical upshot of all this is that if you stick a Babel fish in your ear you can instantly understand anything said to you in any form of language. The speech patterns you actually hear decode the brainwave matrix which has been fed into your mind by your Babel fish.

Babelfish is constantly working; however, if someone is speaking a language you know, you will not notice its work. But, on the contrary, if someone is speaking a language you do not know, you will hear that language, but you will understand it. This explains why gibberish is not translated.

The Guide
Guide's information on guide
The Intranet works based on a program called FlamingFerret, which can be found on every computer on the SS Thor, and can also be installed as a plug-in for the guide. The first time you sign in you will be asked to provide a user name, and you'll also be given the option to have one randomly generated based on your data. No posts to the network may be deleted due to a glitch, the same glitch that will not allow us to change our usernames on the guide.
The guides have a parental filtering system as well, which automatically locks any improper post from whoever has the filter on.

The Towel
Guide's information on towel
It is advised to keep the towel near, for there is the so called "Towel Day" on May 25th. Usually this day relates to the towel the refugees have (like forcing us to use it because all the other clothing disappeared on the Towel Day).

Thor has existed for few hundred years - LINK 1
Thor exists to save said people who arrive - LINK 1
There are other ships like Thor - LINK 1
Thor's instruments are designed for mice (and mole) - LINK 1

Guide's information on wormholes
A common side effect of the Improbability Drive.
You cannot find wormholes, they find you - LINK 1
Research on the wormholes has been going on for 50 years. - LINK 1
They are being studied by the Research and Development department - LINK 1
They are a necessary evil - LINK 1

Guide's information on Vogons
The Vogons are the best when it comes to bureaucracy, so captains hired them - LINK 1 + LINK 2
Captains wish to keep Vogons happy because they don't want their job - LINK 1

Improbability drive
Guide's information on Improbability drive (1st minute)
Captain's information
Improbability drive chooses where we are going. It's "up" to it; this was because the Captains decided not to put coordinates - LINK 1 + LINK 2
Rescues people from the world destruction - LINK 1
Has, as side effect, wormholes and changing reality temporarily - LINK 1
It's not perfect - LINK 1
The Drive only has enough power to affect the area in its immediate vicinity and a bit beyond - that is, the Thor and perhaps about a kilometer beyond the station's hull. It can't affect a planet unless it's on a planet, and the Thor's design doesn't allow for atmospheric navigation. - LINK 1

Outside contact
It's impossible to know where other ships are or contact them (either ones like Thor or not) - LINK 1 + LINK 2
+ A group of refugees managed to return to Thor after being lost in space.
+ A probe was sent and returned.
+ Gon managed to get back to Thor, a specific ship. - LINK 1LIE - Thorian Pilot's Association is able to contact their ships even when not close to Thor, locate them and reach them. - LINK 1

Captain's mission: to save as many as possible - LINK 1 + LINK 2 + LINK 3 + LINK 4 + LINK 5 + LINK 6 + LINK 7

+ Reason why: Because they are caring souls - LINK 1
+ It pays - LINK 1
+ It might have something to do with the meaning of life - LINK 1
+ Perhaps curiosity - LINK 1
Captain's govern Thor, and they follow IPS laws - LINK 1
Captains have received the best training possible - LINK 1
They look different in their own dimension - LINK 1
They have a bigger lifespan than we know of - LINK 1
Captains have had this position for several years - LINK 1
The position is hereditary - LINK 1
Captain's ancestors were trying to find the answer for the ultimate question: meaning of life - LINK 1 + LINK 2
Captains have back-up plans, but they hope not to use them - LINK 1 + LINK 2
Humans can become captains themselves by gaining the trust of the staff: working with our saviors whenever they request aid. - LINK 1

Captains truly believe they are doing the righteous thing by following the mission they were given.- LINK 1

+ However, they grow wary of their own orders.
+ Captain's superiors may be the ones we have to focus on, not the captains themselves.
People who lived on Thor since long ago were never refugees. This is just a place for the to travel and work - LINK 1 + LINK 2
+ Refugees can become citizens and many have. They claim we just never asked - LINK 1
+ What happens when a refugee becomes a citizen - LINK 1
+ It's explained on the paperwork - LINK 1
People on Thor are working to make refugee's life better and not their own, hence their disdain - LINK 1
Citizens are not resurrected.

Refugee list
Vogons work methodically and quite efficiently when it comes to Refugee’s list. They know when someone arrives and when someone leaves, and for them to update the list accordingly, they need proof that such happened, and they need forms that will validate said proof, and more forms to validate the first ones.

The maintenance robots that report the disappearances have developed a complex algorithm that has thus far been fairly accurate in determining whether the wormholing of a given character is permanent (drop) or temporary (canon update). No one's managed to decode it yet, though, even though several top-of-the-line super computers have been employed in the endeavor - and most of them crashed. The few that survived retired to live quiet lives in the country, competing in intergalactic chess tournaments and generally keeping out of the public eye. Considering this, the authorities have decided not to question the maintenance bots, and simply allow them to go about their jobs undisturbed, and make the most of the information they share.
So, when someone leaves and the list is updated consequently, it means said person did leave for real. If their names are still on the list, they did not leave.

When someone dies, their names aren't taken off the list.


Different universes, different time lines, paradoxical meetings.
Worlds were destroyed - LINK 1 + LINK 2 + LINK 3 + LINK 4 + LINK 5 + LINK 6
+ PROOF GIVEN (not currently acceptable) - LINK 1
Destruction of the planets: not caused by the captains - LINK 1 + LINK 2
Why are the planets being destroyed: several different reasons - LINK 1 + LINK 2
Accidental destruction and purposeful destruction of the planets has 50/50 ratio - LINK 1
Getting our worlds back: Magrathea - LINK 1
Why so many human worlds destroyed (according to some cynical group crap): we are evil - LINK 1
Persecutions when a world is destroyed: only sometimes - LINK 1

We are not taken from the exact moment the world ended. It's the side effect of the worlds ending simultaneously that allows the Infinite Improbability Drive to pull people from those worlds - LINK 1
People are picked and leave again due to wormholes. - LINK 1 + LINK 2
The planets were destroyed at every point in time at the same time. The wormholes bring them back to their planets at a point where it wasn't destroyed, until they get caught up in its destruction again. - LINK 1+ LINK 2 + LINK 3 + LINK 4 + LINK 5
Other theory says they go somewhere else entirely, such as an alternate universe or dimension. - LINK 3
The way to bring the person back from the wormhole is to find it and pull the person - LINK 1
A world could be pulled, however it'd create Time Paradoxes - LINK 1
People picked from different time lines is all due to the Improbability Drive that consequently opens wormholes - LINK 1
Anyone can disappear through wormholes, not jut refugees - LINK 1

Those who leave and later return usually have no memories. If you came here twice from two separate points, it's likely you wouldn't remember; in their point of view they were never on Thor - LINK 1 + LINK 2
+ Kyon returned with his memories - LINK 1
+ Captains don't know why - LINK 1
+ GUESS: Perhaps they were lost in a wormhole
Some people disappear for a couple of days and aren't taken off the Refugee's list. When they return, they claim they have been in their world - some for a day, others for months. Maka, No1, Shuuichi, Ritsuka, Naoki

+ They were wormholed back to their world, to a point when it wasn't yet destroyed - LINK 1
+ While it's only few days to us, due to the loop the wormhole created, it might be longer for them. - LINK 1
+ Vogons can tell the difference between a permanent wormhole or one that is not permanent - LINK 1
The chosen ones
Captains do not control who is rescued or not - Improbability drive does - LINK 1 + LINK 2 + LINK 3 + LINK 4 + LINK 5 + LINK 6 + LINK 7

Refugees and the Improbability drive
Improbability drive keeps us alive; we were supposed to be dead - LINK 1 + LINK 2
It's dangerous to move to a new planet: if you stray away from Thor you will die - LINK 1 + LINK 2 + LINK 3 + LINK 4 + LINK 5 + LINK 6 + LINK 7

+Several people left Thor and are still alive - LINK 1
+ Gon left Thor for several months - LINK 1
+ "Dying" is a matter of how long you stay away from Thor, not proximity of the ship. It doesn't, however, happen right away. It depends on the person and the circumstances under which they were rescued - LINK 1In order to leave the Thor without Improbability's drive effect, it's necessary to override it. - LINK 1

Existence of different dimensions - LINK 1 + LINK 2
Accessing different dimensions - LINK 1
There is organized crime on Thor.
Some refugees might have been kidnapped and do not remember it - LINK 1 + LINK 2
Refugees can open their own business.

Purists and anti-refugee groups
Purists: a radical faction who are under the impression that our mission is deemed a mistake by a higher power. They believe the worlds are being destroyed for a reason, that the refugees we are risking our very lives to save should not be allowed the right to exist. - LINK 1
Thor for Thorians -a group that has been putting pressure on law enforcement and forming vigilante groups, with the intent of making life rough for refugees and to hopefully drive them out. These citizens' families have been on the Thor for many generations, and their arrival was not linked to world destruction. Rumor has it that they may be secretly affiliated with or perhaps influenced by The Purists. - LINK 1 + LINK 2
They have reached many ships; it's safe to assume they exist every ship that belongs to Thor's Fleet.

Only refugees are brought back to life, not citizens.
+ Citizens are not brought back to life because they don't have money for that - LINK 1
+ Captains are the ones that pay for our resurrection - LINK 1
+ Why: kindness. NOT ACCEPTABLE - LINK 1
+ Why a refugee who becomes a citizen can no longer be resurrected (besides finances): all refugees are being safed to reach home safe and sound; if they become citizens, they have a new home - LINK 1
Resurrections happen due to the Cryo-Organic Repair and Preparation for Scientific Examination Labs - LINK 1 + LINK 2
We are brought to life due to a contract we sign when filling forms. We may choose to cancel this contract. Whenever they resurrect us, we will have to pay a toll. - LINK 1

The planet to revive all planets, Captain's objective - LINK 1 + LINK 2 + LINK 3 + LINK 4
Everyone wants something different out of Magrathea - LINK 1
The probability of finding Magrathea is extremely low, hence why they need improbability (drive) - LINK 1
We will need money to rebuild our planet. The quantity depends on the planet. - LINK 1
Once our planet is rebuilt, we won't need the Improbability drive any more because Magratheans can do some "vodoo" that can coordinate the new planet to the body's metabolism which will stabilize it in the same way the Drive does. - LINK 1

+ They know this because they read it on a brochure - LINK 1There is indication that Magrathea exists. - LINK 1

Judicial system
Captains admit it's flawed. They would like help - LINK 1
They have their own detectives and police - LINK 1

info, ic

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