LOL i just remembered that when i was watching Hadashi no Cinderella Boy from the RE.
anyway, these are just gifs i made from the clip:
OMG O____O
acting like a real girl LOL
Yuuko was too hot for Ryo to handle XD
Yuuko with Tuxedo mask
this is Ryo venting out his anger towards Pi stealing his girlfriend (and wondering why he can't be Tuxedo mask instead dammit) LOL
i am peesssssssssssssed too that Ryo-Yuuko was missing in the dvd, boohoo Johnny.
i dreamt of Tegoshi and RyoTego (for the very first time! yay~~~) yesterday. at first it was just me with other fans in the studio that looks like the one in itteQ's but the event was something like when NEWS held a presscon for their LIVE!3x concerts. Tegoshi was the only one left in the studio (dunno where the others went). idk what happened but it seemed like i was picked to ask Tegoshi a question but instead i was just flailing in front of him and then i just finally went and pulled him in a hug, and i kept doing that XDD i felt like i didn't know what to say, much less in japanese (i was kinda worried that he wouldn't understand me >.<) and then after much hugging Tegoshi (who btw had his hair in a ponytail like that time when they were rehearsing in the LIVE!x3 dvd), i was still all flaily and dragged him into a room where Ryo is (i had no idea why i knew Ryo was there XD). i had Tegoshi in one hand, then pulled Ryo to Tegoshi and asked him to hug Tegoshi XDD Ryo had a blank expression on his face, a bit wondering what i wanted to happen, but in the end he went and hugged Tegoshi (with a purely innocent face) lol