Friends cut rawr.

Dec 02, 2010 14:32


► Before this year ends, I want to minimize my f-list to people who I actually consider friends.
► It may seem like it's too early to do if I want to get it done before the year ends, but my journal is personal, I rant a lot about the things in my life & honestly I wouldn't like to let just anyone know about my life.
► With some people I just haven't connected, some of them have dead journals, some of them seem to ignore me completely, whether it's never commenting on my entries or never replying to my comments in your entries.
► If you don't want to be cut, comment here. Although I have some certain people who I won't cut, if you're unsure about it, just comment and I'm sure we'll continue getting along nicely.
► On the other hand there might be people who have been secretly wanting to cut me but who've been just too nice to do it. Now is the time - feel free to cut me if we haven't connected in any way & you feel like you don't even want to connect with me. No hard feelings.
► The closing time is Saturday, 4th December, 11am (GMT +2).
► If you've been late to this and are absolutely shocked to find that I've cut you, feel free to PM me. If you're surprised, then you should know that I don't bite or scratch or something.



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