Nov 22, 2004 08:21
Missed the bus again this morning.. im sittin here waiting for my mom to come over and take me to school. I need to start getting up in the morns or im gonna fail. well.. i am failing but i have to go to recovery for like every day for the rest of the year basically. i have been to alegbra in a month, i havent been to health but like 8 times this year.. i have been to apparrel design in like a week or two. damn im failing my ass off. ugh. i have to do something to pass. i AM NOT going to be a freshman next year again.. althoug i prolly deserve to fail. Yes, im gonna skip health again today.. but i promise NO MORE... ima start doin better. blah.. its 8:25 this mornin . im waiting till 8:45 to go so i dont have to go to my first period class bc all my teacher is gpong to do is yell at me. Symone- i've been trying to call u.. i just got ur message that ur stayin with ur sis.. if u get on at all, call me. i might see u at school today. im sorry all this shit is happening, but hey , shit happens for a reason.Becareful <3. well.. im hungry. im gonna get some food... why the hell do i write in this thing? just so ppl can read my thoughts? lol well then.., i just get bored. o well. happy thoought readings! <3shibby
ps-im working on my webpage.. its pretty lame but it will get better soon.. maybe..
well gtg.