YES. Yes this is finally an update! :D I know, it's been awhile. I've been extremely busy with entrance exams and crap so I had no time to Sim. BUT I FOUND A WAY. Enjoy!
I'M BACK! :D And listening to Glee! *bobs head to RHGS* Yes. Yes I do like their version of RHPS. MOVING ON.
Oh, pleasant. Hey Angel, I think you may be pregnant...just incase you didn't know...
"I have woman's intuition. I knew."
"ZOMG not noticeable baby bump!"
"Ugh, again?"
Hush, Rora.
"They're making such a big deal about her getting a stupid baby bump. It's making me sick. Like garbage does."
"What? I'm just speaking my opinion."
"Well, don't."
Thresher's birthday dawns! =O :D
o.o Somebody's got Daddy's face.
A picture to show what a good mother Angel is...and to show off her bump.
"Heehee, I'm going into labor!"
Maybe you should get out of the bathroom...?
"Question - when did this room get so spinny?"
Degrassi quote! xD Okay, somebody get her to the hospital now.
And it's another boy! His name is Tucuxi. :) I forgot if it's a dolphin breed or a shark breed...if you really need to know, look it up, 'cause I'm too lazy to. Yep, I'm a great legacy writer.
Yes, waste no time in creating the last child!
Pregnant! :D
Ewwww dirty toilet!
Hey, look who's aging up into an...elder? Elder, right?
Aha! I was right!
...Forgive me for saying this, but Rora, you don't look like yourself anymore. Maybe it's all the wrinkles?
"Why are you so mean to me? I thought you loved me?"
Oh, I do. But that crack about Angel in the beginning of this made me decide to treat a bit harsher than usual.
"Baby bump!"
"*attempts not to say anything*"
"Why is the computer tilting?"
No reason... >.>
Oh yeah, Bengal got old too. Forgot to mention it.
"Yay, labor!"
Why do you always look so happy in labor?
"CRAP! Your water had to break all over the carpet?!"
Rora. Sympathy.
Yes. The last baby is named Bottlenose. *snickers* I'm going to call him Bo. Yes.
Tucuxi looks adorable. =O But this is only a side view. So...I don't know yet.
No red hair so far. :(
"Come, child. Let's ignore the new baby so I can teach you stuff."
._. Normal toddlers?
So, Thresher grew up into a child... *cringes*
...and Bo grew up into a toddler. Not too shabby. :D
A few days later, Tucuxi grew up...ugh. Starting to regret marrying Toby in.
A lot of birthdays lately. Toby's already old. xDD
-_- I hate Toby's genetics. All I wanted was his hair, not...everything else! DX
I gave Angel a more professional look since she's trying to be a bigshot scientist. I think she looks snazzy!
Snazzy - real word?
*sighs* I assume it's Thresher's birthday now?
*groans inwardly*
Bad photography + birthday = *headdesk*
So I sent Thresher over to visit these twin teenagers that moved in next door, and he took a liking to the goth girl, Julia.
And that's Julia's twin...*cannot remember her name* and some random toddler.
You spent all day at her house? o.o
"Well yeah, she's great to talk to."
"Who're you talking to?"
"So, my grandpa's a riot. You should come over and meet him sometime."
"...How 'bout now?"
"So, I hear you're hilarious."
"Thresher brought a guest home...? I apologize, our house is a bit of a mess."
"...That wasn't supposed to be funny."
"I know."
"HUGGING! Wow, you're really skinny, Jules."
"Wow, we're on a nickname basis already, Thresh?"
Thresher: *dumb in love look*
Julia: *sexy and in love look*
Passionate kiss! =O
"Can you guys, like, move? Some of us are trying to watch football!"
For those of you who aren't wrapped up in making out with your new lover or watching football, please join Tucuxi in celebrating his birthday.
._. He's worse than Thresher.
=O Must I make you watch Degrassi just so you can see the Above The Influence commercials? Hmm?
._. [/no words]
"I thought you didn't like me?"
I never said that. -_-
"Nooo! Don't take my daughter!"
"Please don't take me! I need to stick around for more generations!"
"Two and a half generations max, woman. Sorry. Let's go."
Bye Rora. :(
Death Stats
Aurora Breed nee Simself
Died at 90 days
Traits: Um..Clumsy, Flirty, Hopeless Romantic...*doesn't remember the rest*
Don't remembe her favorites...LTW: Illustratous Author - Completed
Aurora is survived by her husband Bengal, her children Gobie, Angel, and Cat, and her grandchildren Thresher, Tucuxi, and Bottlenose.
I didn't know there were repos in Sims 3. O.O Shows how smart I am.
Oh no, not that stove. Because I totally can't buy a new one.
Ben. :(
Le sigh. Well, on a lighter note, I think the deaths are done for awhile now. :D
Wait, no...Aurora fulfilled her LTW! Why is her urn not golden? DD:
Finally! They'll all be teenagers! And he's floating on nothing...?
Eh, he's not...too...bad.
...I think I choose Bo. Get him married to a really pretty girl and pray that only his red hair gene passes on to his children.
Oh look, Thresher is growing up into a young adult. YAY FOR PROGRESS!
I had him invite Julia over after he grew up, since she grew up too. >.>
<3 x 2
I couldn't tear a cute couple apart. And you know that I occasionally marry a spare off and move them into the Spare house together. Julia's one of those lucky people who gets to live in luxury and Thresher gets to have a kid.
Speaking of babies...
Private little wedding, and then you guys are gone! :)
I now pronounce you spare and wife. You may kiss the bride!
... O.O
Yayyy more young adultness. :D
He actually got better...aww. Now I really hope Bo turns out adorable, because Tucuxi looks pretty cute right now. Surprisingly.
Here it is...the moment of truth...
Okay, he's decent. His eyes actually look moderately normal, so that's good.
So, I sent Bo off to go spouse-hunting and we stumbled upon the Fitz household. Ashley and Gerald are married...but Ashley's sister, Anna, isn't! :DDD
I like her already! :)
Lmfaooo. <3 She's so pretty!
Ever noticed that I skip all the flirting? It's because I just want to get to the part where they get engaged. xD
Yayyy kissing! ^-^
"I love you. Will you marry even though we've only known each other for a few hours?"
"Woohoo! Oh, did I mention that I'm in a Legacy and am heir of Generation 5?"
"Wait, what?"
Yes, everybody's at Pinochle Pond for their wedding. :)
Am I the only one that thinks that dress makes Anna's anorexic body look fat?
"HEY. Don't talk about my bride like that."
Sorry... >.>
I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride...blah blah blah...
"I can't believe my little sister's married already! Gerald and I are so happy for you!"
I JUST REALIZED that his name is Gerald Fitz...Mark Fitzgerald...heh heh
"I know, it's like crazy! And now I have to go home and get knocked up."
"Wait, you're going to have a baby before I do?!"
Anna looks skinny again. :)
Sorry, I just had a flashback to Angel and Toby's first woohoo. xD
I changed Anna's look to a more carefree, motherly look. It looks cute on her. <3
Aren't you glad that I changed your hair to one in an updo? x3
Oh no. Angel's fish, Rita, died...ANGEL GO CATCH ANOTHER ONE.
And no Rora to make a mean remark about it. :(
Anna is now in charge of feeding the fish. It's funny because we never fed Rita. xD Maybe that's why she died! =O
"Hey guys! I'm going into labor!"
"Oh NOO! What do I do?"
Everytime, these guys. Men just don't know how to make themselves useful.
It's a boy. -_-
Generation 6 is going to be horse breeds, so this is Clydesdale Breed! His traits(I actually remembered!) are Loves the Outdoors and Neurotic.
And I will end this chapter with Anna and Bo about to make the second child of Generation 6!
Well, I hope you all liked that Chapter! Expect another chapterin two months! xDD