Nov 29, 2010 15:18
This was stolen from Sydney, who stole it from Kelsey, who stole it from Kyra. >.>
SECTION ONE: your personality
1. Are you more funny or serious?: Funny
2. Do you think you're mature for your age?: Er...yes, but I know how to be immature
3. What's one thing people seem to dislike about your personality?: Apparently I talk a lot
4. What about something people seem to like?: I'm very forgiving, good with children, and a very good listener and advice-giver
5. How much does it take to make you cry?: Not a lot. Sometimes people insulting me is enough for me to cry.
7. Are you good with kids? Particularly babies and toddlers?: Yes, I think I mentioned that already
8. Who in your family is your personality most like?: My mom. :?
9. What's one celebrity/cartoon character/famous person in general whose personality reminds you of your own?: No idea! xD
10. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?: Lately, pessimistic
SECTION TWO: your appearance
1. What color eyes do you have?: Brown
2. What color hair?: Brown-Black
3. How tall are you?: 5'0" -.-'
4. What's your skin color?: Tan
5. What's your weight?: 80 pounds now?
6. How do you feel about your looks? I think I might be pretty if I had no glasses, braces, and not so bushy eyebrows
7. Do you wear makeup? If so, what?: Foundation, eyeliner, and eyeshadow
8. What's your clothing style like?: Jeans + T-shirt.
9. Do people compliment your appearance a lot?: People at school - no. People at my friend's school - yes
10. Any noticeable scars that have cool stories?: Yep, but we're not getting into that
1. Compared to others, do you think you have more or less than most people?: Less than most
2. How old is your oldest friend? What about youngest?: 14, 8
3. Who are your closest friends?: Brianna and Sam
4. Would you date any of your friends?: ...Yes
5. Who is one friend you can call at 3:00 am for something important and expect them to help?: Brianna!
6. Where did you meet most of your friends?: Coachlite!
7. Who comes first-- friends or family?: Probably friends. =P
8. If you were dating someone all your friends hated, what would you do?: Try to keep them separated
9. How do you keep in touch with your friends?: Texting
10. Last friend you hung out with?: Brianna and Sam
SECTION FOUR: your love life (or lack thereof)
1. Are you single or taken?: Single
2. Are you happy with it?: No
3. Ever been cheated on or cheated?: Yes
4. What personality traits are a must in a partner?: Protective(slightly), funny, kind, romantic, intimate
5. What are some absolute turn-offs?: Clingy, treats my friends or others badly, smokes/drinks/does drugs
6. Longest relationship you ever had?: ...Two weeks? Three? >.>
7. Are you a virgin?: Heck yes!
8. Would you date a friend's ex?: Depends if it's okay with the friend
9. Are you crushing on anyone currently?: Not really.
10. Who ended your last relationship?: Me. I felt too suffocated.
1. Favorite family member?: Stepdad
2. Are you closer to your mom's side of the family or dad's?: Mom's
3. Are your parents married?: No.
4. How many siblings do you have? Are you close to them?: Two, no
5. Where is most of your family located?: Michigan and Illinois
6. Who usually hosts the holidays?: Tita Lena(Great aunt)
7. Are any of your great grandparents still alive?: Yes
8. Who are you closer to, your mom or your dad?: Mom.
9. What are your parents' occupations?: Mom is an IV practioner and dad works at Lowe's. Stepdad is a firefighter.
10. Do you have any family pets?: A dog and a fat cat
SECTION SIX: last time you...
1. Got stitches?: Never
2. Cried?: Saturday night?
3. Had a fight with someone you cared about?: Sunday
4. Screamed at the top of your lungs?: A week ago?
5. Listened to your favorite song?: Yesterday
6. Ate?: 3 hours ago
7. Hugged someone?: Yesterday
8. Watched a movie?: Saturday night
9. Broke a bone?: Never.
10. Drove?: When I was five
1. What religion are you?: Catholic
2. How long have you been practicing?: Since I was five.
3. Ever converted from another religion? Which?: ...
4. What do you think happens after death?: We all go to heaven! ^-^
5. Do you believe in a higher power?: Sometimes
6. What about demons and angels?: Not really.
7. Are you spiritual?: No
8. Do you own any holy texts? If so, what?: I own a few bibles but I don't use them
10. Would you convert to your husband's/wife's religion if they asked?: No.
1. Favorite fast food restaurant?: Wendy's
2. Favorite type of candy?: Chocolate.
3. Do you like home cooked meals or eating at restaurants?: Home cooked
4. Least favorite foods?: Fish.
5. Favorite foods?: Chicken, rice, broccoli
6. Who is the best cook you know?: My mom or grandma
7. What do you normally eat for breakfast?: Toaster Strudel
8. Do you like sweet or salty foods more?: Salty
9. Do you enjoy cooking?: YES!
10. Last food you prepared?: Muffins
1. First job?: Does babysitting count?
2. Ever been fired?: No
3. Ever quit a job?: Nope.
4. What do you want to do for a living?: Author
5. Do you like your current job?: Yep
6. What's your uniform look like?: Don't have one. I'm a babysitter!
7. How long have you been working there?: I've been a babysitter for...a few months
8. Do you like your boss?: Meaning the parents I work for? Sure.
9. What about your co-workers?: Don't have any
10. Ever stole something from your work place?: No.
SECTION TEN: currently
1. What time is it?: 3:16 pm
2. What mood are you in?: My back and head hurt
3. What's the weather like?: Cold
4. What's your desktop wallpaper?: Me, my brother, and my sister
5. What instant messenger(s) are you signed onto?: None.
6. What clothes are you wearing?: Underwear, bra, jeans, sweater, t-shirt
7. How is your hair styled?: Down
8. What makeup do you have on?: Eyeline and eyeshadow.
9. Who are you talking to?: No one.
10. Are you enjoying this survey?: Sort of...