Jan 16, 2005 21:43
Hey, all.
Not that I update here a lot, but I'm going to try using a pMachine journal on my page for a while. I will still be involved in the communities to which I belong, and I'll of course keep up with my friends page, but I want to try my own blogging for a change.
The new blog, should anyone even care to read it, is on www.mare-serenitatis.net/intro.html under the link "new blog" at the top of the page.
There are a couple of reasons for the change, among which is the possible breakdown of LJ (minor) and that I want to experiment with something a little more attached to my page (major).
If you want to comment, it's possible to register (this means just creating a username and password) and you'll be able to add. I am working on how to set it up so anyone can post, or to be able to play with it to avoid 'registering' altogether, but until then, bear with me. Please.