Song Theme pt. II

Jan 17, 2010 17:10

♪ [ F I N A L / F A N T A S Y / T H E M E / S O N G ]

Name: Vanja
Previously Stamped As:
Regular: Nooj/Rufus/Freya ♦ Mirror: Cecil/Lucil ♦ Job: Black Mage ♦ Race: Guado ♦ Weapon: Daggers ♦ World: XII ♦ Villain: Dr. Cid ♦ Match: Vayne ♦ Dissidia: Gabranth ♦ Song: Trisection (FFT)... among others.

I love the song I originally got - it's one of my favorites from the series - but since this is one of my favorite themes, I'm curious as to which song I would get from the games I didn't list in the "IMPORTANT!" question last time. Hope that's alright?

♫ personalPREFERENCE
{ p e r s o n a l i t y }
[x] aggressive, or; [/] laid-back
explain; While I'm not aggressive in the violent, temperamental sense, I can be quite determined and argumentative... but only about things which matter to me.

[ ] bouncy, or; [x] calm
explain; I'm almost always calm in the sense of never panicking or losing my head, but... I do admit I'm sometimes "bouncy" because I consume too much caffeine. Heh.

[x] determined, or; [ ] accepting
explain; There are some instances where not being accepting is unrealistic, but I believe in doing everything you can to overcome a situation.

[/] adventurous, or; [/] peaceful
explain; When I hear "adventurous," I tend to think of people who run out and travel to places on a whim... which I do not, but I'm not entirely peaceful either.

{ m u s i c a l }
[x] orchestral, or; [x] electronic

I like both equally, so I don't mind getting either of them.

[ ] vocal, or; [x] instrumental

[x] fast, or; [ ] slow

There are a lot of slow songs I like, but many of them tend to be of the homely or sappy variety... which I don't like at all. You can pick a slow song so long as it doesn't fall in that category. ;X

[x] complex melody, or; [ ] simple melody

Simple can be beautiful in the right circumstances, but I prefer complex songs slightly more. Still, I can't object to a song with a simple melody if it fits everything else.

[ ] sorrowful, or; [ ] cheerful, or; [x] dark

A bit of either of the other two is fine, but I especially like dark songs. ♦

You are on a journey. Why?:
Could be for a number of things. Discovery, both of the intellectual and personal variety is always the first idea to come to mind, but I'd have a definiate goal and knowing me a probably lofty and ambitious goal I'd be working towards as well.
You meet a crossroads. The road to your left will take you to a quiet, beautiful meadow. The road to your right will take you to a seemingly endless and stormy plain. The road directly in front of you will take you to a huge city full of hustle and bustle. Which do you choose, and why?:
Endless stormy plain! I happen to like storms, and places which are too quiet tend to be tedious after awhile. I almost picked the city, but... cities are everywhere. The plain has more of a beckoning quality to it.
You come upon four crystals representing the four main elements: fire, water, air and earth. You must choose the one, and only one, that is true to you. Which do you choose, and why?:
I've always preferred water and wind as far as elements go, but as for which of the four fits me the best? Probably Earth. Considering everything associated with it... being stubborn, responsible, and cautious? Sounds about right.
You are told by a mysterious old man that deep in an ancient land, there lies the Ultimate Monster that is said to be unbeatable, but also said to be guarding truly priceless items of legend. Do you pursue it?:
Hmm. First, I'd try to gather more information about it... and if it does seem like it exists and it's not invincible to all attacks, then yes. I can't say no to priceless treasure especially if I could sell it for a ton of money.
In the end, what is your story? One of love? Of adventure? Of power? Something else, perhaps?
Repetitive of my first response in this section, but knowledge and personal discovery. ... but if power and a bit of adventure manages to make it's way in there, all the better!

... I did not just copy and paste nearly that entire section. Shh.

♫ naturalWORLD
What is your preferred environment?:
I like mountains, cities, deserts, forests, and honestly, the only environment I don't like involves prairies and rural countrysides. Ideally, though... I'd prefer to live in a large, busy city which hopefully has a type of nature outside of it's premises.
And your favorite weather?
I enjoy the rain, especially when it's warm. As implied above, thunderstorms are even rather nice and energizing in a way.
Find an image of something, anything, that you find beautiful and post it here. As always, avoid Final Fantasy related images.

I find this oddly captivating.

IMPORTANT! Pick no less than three games you'd like your votes to be from. You are encouraged to narrow down the choices, as there are dozens of song choices from just one game in itself.:
II, IV, V, XII, and... I picked it last time, but I'll throw in VI again just because all the pre-VII games need more love.

To make it easier, here's a link out to youtubed OSTs from all of those games:

Final Fantasy II (It seems to be missing a few songs, like the boss theme, but since imeem is no longer imeem, it's the best I could find.)
Final Fantasy IV I need to get around to playing this, but I like the music anyway
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy XII

♫ theVOTES
As always, post the links to three applications you've recently voted on.


song: theme of the empire

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