I can't believe i haven't done it yet! ;o

Jan 16, 2010 14:02

[ F I N A L ∙ F A N T A S Y ∙ S U M M O N S ∙ T H E M E ]
Name: Laura
Previously Stamped As: ♪ Regular: Reno (FFVII) and Paine (FFX-2)
♪ Mirror: Vincent Valentine and Oerba Yun Fang
♪ BFF: Balthier
♪ Dissidia: Squall
♪ Group: SeeD
♪ Job Class: Thief
♪ Job Class Mirror: Ninja
♪ Main Party: Penelo & Zack Fair
♪ Matchmaker: Zack Fair
♪ Race: Burmecians
♪ Stereotype: Reluctant Hero
♪ Theme Song: Quiet Determination
♪ Villain: Kadaj
♪ Weapon: Sword
♪ World: FFVII

If you were previously stamped in this theme, please state which summon you were stamped as and explain why you do not agree with the vote.: N/A. Good luck with this one! I have no idea which summon i may get x.x

[ the basics ]
Three positive adjectives that describe you the best, and explain.
Understanding and patient (yes i know these are 2 adjectives but.. ;o;) - Well, that's something i hear from people often. I think people often (not always) feel good while talking to me rl or online because I'm understanding and i try to understand people in the first place instead of judging them for their actions etc. I often also don't go all annoyed when they do stupid things. I try to understand people who normally i would ignore but sometimes it's too hard. You know... when someone is being overly pessimistic all the time, it just looses the point and i prefer not to speak with people like that because they make me feel more depressed.
I'm normally pretty patient for people, even for the ones i find stupid and i can't listen to them. My patience can last months but obviously it won't last forever. Some people can push wrong buttons just in a sec. Once i lose my patience for them, I will keep being annoyed all the time when they write/speak. I can also get aggressive when someone I know for a lng time pisses me off. Doesn't matter if i care about them or not, i just get aggressive the -- but it's a negative trait anyways. I'm also patient with overall things, waiting etc. but that's not what i meant here xD
Honest/straigt-forward - I always say what needs to be say, not what people want to hear. Of course, I'm not that type of person who would comment you (in a negative way, let's say) if you won't ask. Well, it happens when something is just needed to be said, i will say it even if people don't want to hear my opinion but other than that, i prefer not to say anything because I know how some people just can't stand hearing that they're not perfect :] No, i don't care how most of people think about me, I just don't see a point of having an useless argue with people like that |D
Independent - However it's how most of my friends describe me. I think it's pretty correct although some description of word "independent" says that independent people are selfish etc. which i'm definitely not.
Three negative adjectives that describe you best, and explain.
Sarcastic - Honestly, I love the fact i'm sarcastic because i'm having more fun when talking to people i find stupid, lol. Although, sometimes i can be over-sarcastic and use sarcasm in all me answers, responses etc. Sometimes, even when i write an important paper and they ask me stupid questions, i feel like replying with a stupid answers which isn't a good thing, i suppose. It's really hard to resist, you know ;o;
introverted / reserved - I obviously don't trust people too much and it's really hard for me to trust someone. I'm reserved and i don't really like to meet new people, especially irl. I prefer to stick with people I already know. I hate when "new friends" asks you questions you don't really want to answer and the whole "get to know each other more" part. Well, as long as i feel some connection to that person from the beginning if that makes any sense.
I'm introverted, i keep everything inside me. My emotions and my feelings, that's probably why i'm so controlled because I don't want people to know much about me as soon as i think i can trust them. Of course I do complain too but i usually try to skip the part that makes me feel bad.
controlled -- My behavior is usually very controlled as are my emotions unless i'm pissed. I don't show excitment, sadness or anything. My face looks probably the same all the time, how boring |D I must admit i like that trait, it helps me to look at things different way for so reason because i'm not getting excited over small things etc. it may sounds weird but that's how it is. I put it as negative trait though because a lot of people get me wrong. I don't smile when i say thank you and people think i don't appreciate things. When I say that something is awesome, peopl think i just pretend or something. While i don't find it annoying, i see a lot of people do. Not that I care but still..
Describe your preferred environment.: Oh, it depends to be honest. I'm like large, loud cities (as long as it's not overly loud... like you can't sleep at night people people are on the street etc). Modern or historical and interesting ones. There are times and thing i get easily bored with so cities with things to do are more entertaining. Although... I admit i hate the fact you can't go out to play sports or something normally. You need to go to specific place and the fact it's far away, make you wanna just stay at home.
Which element do you associate yourself with, if any, and why?: Well, one person who thinks she knows me well says fire. Well, while I do see fire because of my temper...As i said, i'm patient but once someone pushes the wrong buttons, especially family, i can go furious and aggressive, so yeah. However the friend knows me only online so she hasn't seen how i behave in real life.
I still think wind fits me the most. It can be calm and refreshing (lol |D) but it can also get sharp (like I can be with my words or behavior) and not-so-nice let's say. It goes it's own way, kind of. I've been also told that ice fits my personality. Well, i probably didn't help much here but I personally think wind fits me the best and i think there is no one in this world who knows me better than myself, so.. :]

[ in battle ]
Fly solo or work as part of a team?: Either solo or with one partner i enjoy spending time with or i know they would get their work done so we won't have any ~problems~ with each other |D While i do like working solo since it's easier for me, i also think that working in "pair" can be a useful thing. You can learn a lot from the other person, you don't feel lonely you learn how to be more and more patient, lol.
In the fray or at a distance?: Normally i would prefer in the fray because i like action but I also like to think what would be better in different situations. If an enemy would be less confident in long-range battles, i would think of doing it and use some strategy.
Is it brains that pays off, or brawn?: Brains, i would never fight only to fight and win, even if i would be in short-range battles where i need to attack my enemy all the time. I would think of some kind of tactics anyways, doesn't matter what type of battle i would choose. I'm definitely not someone who would like to fight for no reason or without learning something through it.
Do you prefer your attacks to be flashy and milked for all they're worth, or simple and to the point?: bleh, flashy is awesome because I like the BOOM! thing but uhh, let's say simple and to the point. I can always buy a flashy weapon! jk
Would you be most useful with offense, defense, healing, or using status effects?: offense with some defense too. I would prefer to have someone else to heal me if it will be needed lol. During the fight, i wouldn't really think of the wounds etc. so defense isn't that important to me. If i would be in a fight, i bet i would be too busy with the whole action and not to get in some kind of trap to worry about some wounds. I don't feel the pain that much anyways, or i just can deal with it pretty well (: Doesn't matter how much something hurts me, i never cry (obviously) or even say something that would express i may be in pain. If i'm cut bleeding strongly i keep my ~cool~ and fix it without saying a word, doesn't matter how much something will hurt me.

[ as a summon ]
So how would the main party obtain you?: idk if i'm being original since i don't know all the summons but they would totally have to succeed and get an answer for some hard and complicated puzzle or something.
Wait-- why does the main party want you anyway?: because i'm awesome? isn't that enough? |D. Anyways, they want me because they know my true power and that I'm a mysterious and secretive summon. I have lots of surprises for my enemies and no one else knows them! I can throw a bunch of new surprises, you never know on which enemy I will use them or when! I'm an unique summon who is more helpful than you could ever expect!
Alrighty, then. What's your ability called and what does it do?: It's called ultra-piernik-combo and secret-piernik-attack lmao. I can change into wind and deal some damage to the enemy while they can't see me or attack me, so once i will get enough strength to do it, you're so dead. I can also change my form, i can easily change to one of your party members and you wouldn't realize the difference... well, maybe if you're smart. Bleh, idek, i never thought of a certain ability.
Are your abilities something to be scared of or are they welcomed?: oh, i think you realized it already! It's more than welcome for people who will obtain me but something to be scared of when it comes to my/our enemies.
And what is it you're most well known for?: I think i've answered that question above. I'm an unique one, I have lots of surprises waiting for my enemies and almost no one knows them. I wouldn't use same surprise for same enemy if we had a chance to fight again. And also i'm very helpful for the ones that will obtain me, realizing how helpful i would be will take some time but it will be worth it :D
What would you look like as a summon?: (As always, feel free to use pictures as long as they are not FF related.) Either as a strong, independent/cunning and kinda beautiful animal because these look interesting, simple reason. Or maybe something human/women-a-like, something that wouldn't make you scared before the battle but during the battle you would see how strong I would be and regret having an impression like that. People should regret fighting with me, end of story.

[ make a choice ]
[ ] hot . . . [/] inbetween/neither . . . [x] cold
Explain: I'm usually pretty cold and cynical about most of the things but there is some people i'm protective of, not many but still. Usually i don't show it and i behave mean, because i don't want people to think i'm protective of them. I know it sounds like a nonsense but that's how it is. Also, as i wrote, i can have a nasty temper sometimes so.....

[ ] darkness . . . [x] inbetween/neither . . . [ ] light
Explain: None, dark or light fits me. While i do have a cynical view about lots of things, i'm not a pessimist and i'm not a dark person. Light doesn't suit me well, too, in my opinion. I think i may have a little more "~darkness~" inside of me (lol) but dark definitely doesn't fit me that well.

[/] in the air . . . [/] both . . . [ ] on the ground
Explain: In real life, i don't really like being somewhere high but i admit i would love to fly XD and i'm not talking about airplanes (i'm sick of it already) or some extreme sports in the air. In real life i would prefer ground but as a summon, I think i would love to be in air! :D although i'm fine with any, i don't want it to sway your votes.

[ ] quick to anger . . . [x] depends . . . [/] calm and collected
Explain: Again, I couldn't pick just one. I'm calm and collected most of the time but like i mentioned some couple of times in this application, i can get angry easily when someone will push wrong buttons. I'm also not overly calm. If it comes to something i believe in, i may sound aggressive and determined while protecting my opinion etc. I won't argue with people if i'm wrong or right and vice-versa (because i simply dislike argues, they're useless usually) but if someone would force me into doing something that's wrong for me, i would be a little aggressive.

[x] mighty . . . [ ] inbetween/neither . . . [ ] gentle
Explain: I have no idea how to explain this one.

Check all the words that apply or appeal to you:
[x] suffering
[/] spirituality
[ ] femininity
[ ] fatality
[/] jokester (8D) -- i can be preeeeeeeetty mischievous if i feel like it!
[x] silence
[/] beauty -- of nature, yes. As appearance? then, well.. i couldn't care less.
[x] storms
[ ] togetherness -- not too sure what does it mean and i can't find the description on that word anywhere x.x
[x] explosions -- omg YES!
[ ] fear
[/] power -- Well, i would like to be strong aand have control over things but power as a whole (being a king etc etc.) doesn't appeal to me.
[x] rebirth
[/] grace

Anything else you'd like us to know?: I'm sorry if i made lots of mistakes or i seem weird or whatever but i think i drunk too much coke. Interesting, huh?

[ the votes ]
Please post the three RECENT applications you've voted on here.

Man, i'm trying to be back in the buisiness on chocobo |D btw. it's 16th so i was allow to post, right? ;o;

summon: fenrir

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