Jul 16, 2009 20:46

[ P e r s o n a l ]
Name: Panida
Previously Stamped As:
Regular: Zack
Mirror: Rinoa, Garnet
Male Mirror: Laguna
Job Class: Red Mage
Villain: Cid
Summon: Phoenix/Carbuncle
Theme Song: Holding My Thoughts in My Heart
Weapon: Pinwheel
Matchmaker: Locke

[ E n v i r o n m e n t ]
Dreaming of a land far and away...
Imagine the one place you wish you could live-- the home of your dreams. Describe its colors, smells, surroundings... go wild. Where the mountains meet the sea ♥ I was lucky enough to get to visit a place like that (Kaikoura, New Zealand) and fell in love with the atmosphere. The reflection from the ocean and the fog rising gives the snow-capped mountains on the horizon an unbelievably gorgeous purple/white/blue gradient. Having both environments together would also be wonderful to have near me, more specfically the ocean -- this place would definitely be near the ocean. I find myself really missing the sound of the ocean and the sea breeze when I'm here at college since it's in the middle of the state whereas my hometown is on the coast. My ideal location would have warm, friendly people and a leisurely pace of life but still plenty to do. Lovely thunderstorms at night now and then, I love those. The weather would be moderate; sunny generally, brisk in the fall, with only a little real winter. There would also not be a dearth of animals, birds singing, owners walking their dogs, etc. Either that or Rivendell from Lord of the Rings, hehe ;) I love moving water so the plenty of waterfalls that Rivendell has is great.
Does your dream world reside in a medieval setting, rely on technology, or is it a mixture of both? A combination of both, probably more on the techy side; technology for ease & practicality's sake but there would definitely still be magic; I wish there were more magic in the world today. It wouldn't be a "new" world though, one with history, ruins, legends.
Kings and queens? Presidents? Perhaps it's a place with no government? Describe the leadership of your land.
Just how peaceful is your land? As world peace is most likely unattainable, there'd probably be a few squabbles between nations here and there but nothing that could be apocalyptic. We wouldn't be a war-mongering land by any means but still show them what's up when we must defend ourselves.
But surely monsters roam in the wilderness! Describe the kinds that live there. Claws, fur, fangs, scales, fins -- it'd probably have them all if there's both mountains & sea. I'd rather not have any poisonous though but what can ya do. There'd be mythical ones as well and we'd probably have some of those rare things one has to fight an ungodly amount of times to get that necessary item or what not. And of course some of those walkthrough-worthy mofos hidden around for unsuspecting teenaged heroes to vanquish ;)

[ A d v e n t u r e ]
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon...
Whether your land is in a golden era of peace or is in turmoil, it seems a great threat to your world has reared its ugly head. What is it and what are its plans? A new evil is ~rising~ probably. Something that had been keeping itself quietly waiting to enact its master plan. I can also see the threat from a rival land.
Describe the kinds of weapons and methods being used to defend oneself and attack this threat. Metal & magic. We'd have the archers & mages doing long range, the sword swinging melee, and the fire power via guns. Animal teamwork as well. We would use warriors that want and have the will to fight. Honorable but deadly, with something/someone to protect.
What kind of secrets does your world hide away as you traverse it in search for a solution? (This can be caves unlocking pieces of the past, riches, summons, anything-- be creative!) Something intangible, a connection with the spirit of the nature/the elements/the planet itself that one must discover inside to unleash your ultimate abilities whether that be with a weapon, magic, or just oneself as a person.
What is your level-up system like? Flexible, customizable, but in general I would link higher levels to getting closer to that connection with the planet mentioned above

[ D e t a i l ]
Hear the whispers in the dark...
Describe the music you envision playing in the background as you fight monsters, wander the lands, explore villages... Is it dark, cheerful, inspiring? Many instruments incorporating some uncommonly used ones to create a sense of a unique attachment to the world itself, fully orchestrated. The world theme would be inspiring with a sense of discovery and adventure, each town has its own theme, battle music would make you want to move, make you feel energized and ready to take on anything, and I'm also all about character motifs! There'd probably be a love song in there somewhere as I'm a romantic, haha & all of the above is darn catchy :P
How important is the background music to your world? Very, music is so evocative to me. I'd want my soundtrack to really take listeners on a wonderful emotional experience.
Uh-oh! You just ran into the mandatory, most powerful (though optional) boss in the game. What's it like and what makes it so deadly? I see it as an ancient dragon or other mythical beast who does not fight out of maliciousness but as a test for those who are willing to attempt it. Hmm...multiple stages to the battle with some riddle solving to get to it where you have to draw on the strengths of each of your characters and then some finger cramping action for its helluva HP.
What's the prize for kicking this beast in the behind, anyway? You earn its respect & can call on it for help in le final battle + $$ & fab weapons from its trove.

[ E x t r a ]
Cue the rolling credits!
So what's the happy ending like? You will cry! (in the best way, the warm, fuzzy, heart lifting, kind :P) Some plot-involved character death but it will only endear them further to you, haha.
As we all know, there are many options for this theme. What world do you think you are most suited for, and why? I'm actually not sure myself.
Anything else you'd like to mention about this world of your's? This world would definitely be colorful, full of life and secrets to discover, adventure to be had. The night skies are spectacular with our own version of the milky way + aurora borealis (adding this as I love night skies & things of the astral sort). We also have very delicious food :P

I've voted on...

world: final fantasy viii

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