Report: World Hetalia Day, 2009-SINGAPORE.

Oct 24, 2009 21:09


I woke up at 7.15AM, fried the croquettes I prepared the night before and made curry pasta. I hitched a ride with xiaoellen on her dad's car. On the way, we detoured and picked up elena162 . Finally, we arrived at the beach~ (Hahaha, I kept pronuncing it as 'bitch' instead =w=)


Us: 15 minutes, please, spare us that face ;n;

Kumajirou's looking cool.

We were supposed to start the Hetalia Amazing Race around 1+, but was delayed because Swizterland got drunk and had to puke lD;;

Meanwhile, we chatted. Canada turned up, folllowed by Shinatty. Needless to say, China was very pleased.


Meanwhile, KUMAJIROU GOT COOLER. Canada, where are you? ;3;

I'm a cool polar bear.

The game started. All the cosplayers gathered together to form Team Awesome. I was in Team E with xiaoellen , azurewhite, (holy shit woman you are AMAZING.), bunnisteffi and two other guy friends of mine.

[AHAHAHA IMMA CHEAT AND COPY PASTA OVER MOST OF THE CONTENT FROM xiaoellen 's DA entry, because I am too lazy to type it out =3=]

We are given clues to all 5 characters (We have to find them); and each of them will give us a challenge. We are to complete it before going on with the clue and heading to the next character.

First clue from the starting point;

"The last paradise on Earth."

We had a problem with deciding who. We thought it was Switzerland or Italy but it turned out to be...


Challenge: Answer 20 out of 40 questions correctly. If we don't answer 20 correctly in the 40 questions, we have to repeat until we do.

We had to skip Q14 because we didn't know the answer (Most famous sculpture in Belgium or something.)

Some of the epic ones-

Weird sculpture that Italy made on the beach, we all screamed "PASTAAAAAA"

Sound that Romano makes when he's upset - we screamed "CHIGIIIII" xDDDD

azurewhite , holy pizza, oh god-you. YOU. YOOOOOU. YOU ARE FREAKING AWESOME. She answered most of the questions.

Spell Prussia's full name- xiaoellen spelt it together with me YES.

3 ways that Japan rejects-"I'll think about it." "I'll use descretion (sp?)." "The answer is always no."

Hika actually thought the questions were kinda hard but we only went through 21 questions. xD Yeah, got through in a go. because we're all hetalia tards.

Second clue; "The answer is no."

Japan - Kiku.

Basically everyone had to win against Kiku in scissors, paper, stone once. It was pretty quick. I-I lost to Kiku once. ORZ the rest of them either tied or won it at the first try.

Third clue; "I'm as awesome as a little bird"

Prussia - Gilbert.

Kiku gave us a hint - "He's out of the boundary", and hinted to us the direction.

Man (s)he was sitting way out there, looked so DARN LONELY. Ran up to (her) him.

Challenge? Just do some weird "awesome dance" thing. xD It's just goes like "ore-sama, ore-sama kakkoi~ze~" and just 2 moves. Pretty easy, we got through quickly.

Fourth clue; "I'll do anything, so please don't hurt me!"

Italy - Feliciano

Challenge; We have to make a song for another character. Another group was there first and trying to come up with something for Belarus. While they were thinking Ita told us a character first, then waited for the other group to finish before we could start.

(S)he gave us "Greece", and we couldn't use tunes from Maru Kaite Chikyuu/any other Hetalia song. So xiaoellen 's brilliant crack mind almost immediately came up with "1 little, 2 little, 3 little kittens; 4 little, 5 little, 6 little kittens. 7 little, 8 little, 9 little kittens, All of your kittens belong to meeee/Greece"

She was thinking over it before finally accepting... xD

Most groups probably had to think first, but we didn't have to BECAUSE WE ARE AWESOME.

Fifth clue; "Neutrality"


Basically we have to do some sort of march. This is the hardest for us by far, but our group got through in the first try~ (Probably the only group which did)

So, we ran back to the starting point and we got first. 8'D (TAKE THAT TEAM AWESOME)

Our prizes were the little magnets that =AlexiusSana on DA made~ Turns out that we can also choose badges made by Manda. I picked the USUK one, BUT I LOST IT. I LOST IT. I LOST IT TOGETHER WITH THE ENGLAND BOOKMARK.




Anyway. After the game, we went on to the photoshooot~


Annnnnd then, the fun begun.

I-Italia? D8

Austria, who didn't bring his beloved piano, was desperate enough to play...air piano. With a hibird gilbird sitting on his head.


Russia: D8

Let's get...


Married, Married, Married...
RUSSIA: Bl -holds on to sunflowers-

And some free porn sketches~

This bit of porn is specially brought to you by HETALIART.

Because France can look JUST THAT MOE. (Damn it, I lost my Arthur's bookmark ;n;)

elena162 drew it for me. <3 Thanks a bunch, girl.

Pretty, pretty, pretty Belarus drawn using a ballpoint pen for me as a birthday present by trainingartist@DA. I got the picture-IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL.*w* I don't think I can thank you enough for this<3

One of us found a lone sunflower, and then we decided to plant it on to the sand before we left.

Ah, what's this?


...but Russia being Russia, GOT BACK AT US AT THE VENDING MACHINE. We were all dead tired and thirsty, and the machine threw a bitch fit and decided not to accept our change. It took us around 20 mintues to get our drinks. orz


event, world hetalia daaay!, picspam, everyday life, public post

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