2017 is almost here ... Yes !!

Dec 29, 2016 17:55

Please let 2017 be a good year.  I'm not going to bother with resolutions.  I did see a funny resolution somewhere, I don't remember where.

My resolution is to stop procrasting, but I'm not going to start until next week.  This so describes me.

I didn't really have a bad year, but it sure has been bad for some people I know and care about.  My son has been dealing with company layoffs for the last couple of years.  He's still there and is doing well, but who knows how long that's going to last.  This company has been good to him.  He traveled around the world to many, many, places he would not have had an opportunity to go to otherwise.  And he enjoyed all of it.  I'm so glad he took that attitude, because it was a lot of traveling.  He's been there for 18 years.  I can't believe he's old enough to have had a job for 18 years.

My 74 year old brother is recuperating from kidney problems that caused him to have to spend a few days in the hospital.  Before they discharged him they put a stint in and kept it in for 4 weeks.  Most people we've talked to say one week is the norm.  His had to be in so long because the Doctor said his kidney was showing signs of closing up.  It was an absolute nightmare for 4 weeks.  He lives alone and there were times when he would get real depressed.  Our other brother and I kept him as entertained as we could and now the stint is out and he is doing so much better.  It was almost like flipping a switch. This was just a hard time for him to live alone, even though he loves living alone.  He enjoys his family and friends, and he has a lot, but he enjoys his time alone.

My brother-in-law has been dealing with his neighbors and the local police department.  He lives in California.  He started feeding and trying to take care of the stray cats that were around his neighborhood.  It ended up being way, way too many cats but he just couldn't bring himself to turn them away.  His neighbor's complained, the police came out, he wouldn't answer the door ... I'm not sure what he was trying to acomblish with that attitude.  He decided to bring some of the cats into the house.  He already had 3 indoor cats and now he has 12 ... in the house.  He managed to discourage the others to leave ... I'm not sure how.  He still won't talk to the police.  They've sent letters with a demand for payment of a fine and every time they send a letter, of course the amount goes up.  Who knows how this stand off is going to turn out.

Like I said, I didn't have a bad year.  We own our own home, I bought a new car at the beginning of the year and it's already paid off, so we own both of our vehicles.  And they are new enough that I shouldn't have to deal with some of the issues that older vehicles deal with.  I take both to my dealership to get the maintenance done so I don't really have to worry about them.  I've spent enough years stressing over old cars, that this is a real treat.  We put money into savings every month, our medical comes from VA and Tricare, which is the military insurance and now that I'm over 65 I don't make a monthly payment.  I don't see how things could be any better for us.  My husband is disabled, but we are both in pretty good shape ... for old people.  lol

All in all, it's time for 2016 to fade away and allow 2017 to take a stab at being a good year.

I'm going to try to do this every once in a while ... just because.  But, I'm not promising myself anything.  
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