The weird hiatus thing? Is officially over. We now return you to your originally scheduled programming.
First up: the delayed voting for round seventeen of the prompt challenge. The winner is
intothemorning with her Dean/Marissa fic,
This means the new prompt is game.
+ Your ficlet must be between 100-300 words.
+ It (obviously) must feature a crossover ship from an allowed fandom.
+ It (obviously) must feature the prompt in some (however abstract) way.
+ Post your ficlet directly to the community in it's own entry (with a real or fake cut).
+ All entries must be turned in within two weeks: Saturday, November 1st.
+ Tags for your entry should be: *all fiction, prompt: week eighteen, user: fillintheblank
+ We do allow for multiple entries so feel free to submit up to three fics!!
You can now mentally (or through filters) prepare your flist for some massive spamming from this community.