Techniqually, the fic exchange ended last night and all fics were due by then so that I could post the poll this weekend. I wish I could say I expected everyone to be on time, but I honestly didn't. This community is not of those anal and strict deadline communities, it's just not and, as long as I'm the owner, it never will be. As it is, I've recieved three fics and two cries for help. The latter two can take a deep breath, you have time to work out your problems.
Basically, I am having intense personal, financial, and educational issues right now. Now, this community is not the place for me to air my issues so if you want to know what my problem is, you can check out
this entry at my personal journal. In addition, I don't have easy internet access right now. I'm hoping that will be fixed by this weekend but I'm not holding my breath. Because of this and people still needing more time...
Everything has been extended. The current
prompt challenge is half over and we only have two entries. Hopefully we will have enough to hold voting on the usual day, but this means people need to submit their entries by the deadline on Saturday, September 6. As far as this exchange goes, your fics are now due on Wednesday, September 10. That's twelve days from now. Hopefully that will give everyone enough time to deal with everything, myself included. If, at that time, things are still not worked out, we'll deal with it then.
Aside from that, I do want to have a couple back-up writers waiting in the wings. So if you're willing to write someone else's fic if they are forced to drop out, please comment here. (You will obviously not be asked to write a fic with fandoms/interests you do not have.) It may not come to that, but the offer wil be very much appreciated by all involved.
Any questions/comments/cries for help can be expressed in this post. I will do my best to give you a quick answer but, like I said, limited internet access. Just be patient with me. I promise your head will not be bitten off and you will not get bitch slapped with a ruler for any reason. Cross my heart.
I would very much appreciate if everyone who has not submitted their fic could comment and let me know where they stand with their fic, just so I can plan accordingly.