Extension - Week 27 - Humour.

Aug 04, 2007 18:37


We have some really F-U-N-N-Y icons so far, but I'll have to extend it until Saturday the 11th of August. That should put us back on the "planed" timeline.

You can submit you HILARIOUS icons here.

And everyone don't forget it's tragic_hope's (A.K.A Kayla's) 20th birthday on the 9th, so everyone don't forget to wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

You know I should get everyone to tell me when you birthday is, so everyone at choco_awards can wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY too. Reply to this post with your birthday and I'll figure something out... I've just had an idea. And I don't get many of them ;)

&extension, week 027

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