[oneshot] 12 ways to say i love you

Dec 31, 2011 10:45

[oneshot] 12 ways to say i love you
Author: Choclavender
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Minjae/HoSu
Genre: Humor, romance, fluff


      It was my first one-month Christmas break and I need to take advantage of this since it might not come again next year. Being one of the members of a popular group is not an easy task and having the hottest man in the whole wide world as your husband is also a huge responsibility but I am not regretting it since everyday with him is already a treasure.

Last year is one of the busiest years in our career. My hubby, Jaejoong, only spent 2 days with me in December in a hotel just to have a simple dinner for Christmas and New Year. We rarely had time with one another since he is also working as a composer and part-time drama series actor.

Aside from that, we need to take note the presence of fans who are always following us and taking notes of every moment in our lives. We are thankful that they are documenting our love story but having some time alone is a difficult thing to do nowadays.

So with that, I made a mission for myself. I need to do this or else I might miss a chance of my lifetime. Call me a sucker for love but I felt I am neglecting my hubby. I haven't heard him complaining but Junsu and Yunho hyung told me that my Jae always look at them with jealous eyes every time they cuddle in the snow and play kiddie games while working my ass off.

I prepared a list for myself to finish and to keep track what I have already done, I saved it in my Iphone - birthday gift from my tech savvy husband.

12 ways to say I love you

1. Kissing his lips while driving

2. Buying his most expensive toy - helicopter!

3. Washing his clothes while watching him cook

4. Massaging his back after work

5. Eating out with his parents

6. Dancing weirdly at Han River

7. Bicycle ride at the park

8. Dressing up Jiji

9. Buying take-out food for the crew

10. Picnic at the park after walking Vick

11. Watching soccer game with his sisters

12. Spending New year’s eve watching the fireworks while cuddling.

Please wish me luck!


"Changmin-ah! Where will I suppose to drive you off? I need to get your sister's dress for her barn dance tonight. I promised her to buy her angry bird's hat. Is it okay if I will drop you off at the street near your gym?" Jae said while I prepare myself and my mind that I should start doing my list.

It was really hard to do while listening to him non-stop about our agenda for the day. It was already my 10th day without work and I am like a sloth already. Oh yes, I love all the pampering he had done every day! He even taught me how to knit and cook yesterday.Is he preparing me to be a house husband? Not that I am complaining.

I was about to plant my kiss on his pinkish lips while we are on the stop light and the driver is at rest when suddenly a call surprised us. It was my sister! I almost land my lips on his favorite mobile phone. He has actually six cell phones! Bummer! Now I need to do it on the next stop or before I get off the car.

"Are you alright, MinMin? You looked pale and you forgot to place cucumber last night, haven't you?" Jae remarked. I like him calling me names. He used to call me Minnie - though it sounded girly to me, it's fine because he did it in a cute way like fluttering his eyes while pouting his lips.

After reassuring him that I just overslept after eating too much of what I cooked last night, he is busy organizing the things he will do with my younger sister and my mom. After watching him pucker his lips and removing some smudge on his lips, I forgot that the second stop I need to wait has already passed. Soon after, I am already at the street near my gym and I stole a kiss from him before getting off. He was giggling while wiping off some pink lipstick on my cheek after he kissed me before driving off. Now I have to revise my list once again.

      There was a long queue at the cashier and HoSu are already looking at me like a hawk while they await at me at the back of the only toy store who has the most wide array of helicopter toys in town. I specifically ordered a Black hawk down helicopter because we are both in awe of that thing after watching the movie. It was also our first date together after HoSu went out of their way to catch up a concert of Park Yoochun at the park.

"Hey, are you suppose to be on that line since you are buying a pre-ordered one?" a lady asked while she pointed to me the sign about pre-ordered toys. I smiled and bowed to thank her for being such an angel.

I walked and excused myself from a long line of kids with their moms as I cover my face with a face mask when suddenly a hand grabbed on the box I was suppose to be protecting. It was a huge force that made the box tumble on my hand as I tried my best to keep a hold of the box. I stumble on different toys and caused a huge mess at the toy store. Now there are not only two pairs of eyes ogling at me but the whole bunch of people shaking their heads in dismay.

My popularity still gave me an excuse not to be reprimanded after doing that mess in the store. I helped in piling up the toys back to its original place and promised to pay all the damages I have done. I was about to grab the toy that I was to buy when all of a sudden it was gone! No one in the store saw who bought it and I don't have the strength and time to ask every kid in the line if they had seen it.

The store manager can't promise that he could order the specific toy in time for the holidays because there are still a long list but he will contact me if ever my order has arrived. Another revision came for my list and I grabbed a flying toy helicopter that can fly up to two feet from the floor. Seeing Jaejoong's smile like a kid while playing it is already a great satisfaction for me.


Since I don't have much time to do my list, I will promise to make three of these things today. Washing his clothes is a very time-consuming task but watching him while cooking is also an eye-catching thing to do. He is piling up the clothes in his bin when I secretly contacted a pet enthusiast to help me dress up Jiji. Oh yeah Jae likes dressing up his favorite cats, Jiji and Yoyo. Since YoYo is at his fifth sister's house because of flu, my first victim will be Jiji..poor cat.

I have checked the clothes to be washed and placed it on the machine; proper temperature and water level are checked and I moved the knob to medium speed. While waiting for the clothes to be washed, I massaged my baby's back because cooking for me 24/7 for almost 11 days now can be really tiring.

Jaejoong moaned as he enjoyed my massage and I planted soft kisses on his back while doing it when Jiji suddenly jumped on him to play - now I am all alone again! Not that I envy the cat but sometimes I want to transform into a cat because he will scramble in his feet while catching him..he even made him a catlandia in its own room full of toys and accessories. Upon seeing me pouting at the corner, Jae came running and shared Jiji with me.

"Thank you for the massage", Jae brushed a kiss on my lips and had to kiss him back when a loud thud was heard at the washing area. Oh no what happened to the clothes?

Jae and I cleaned up the soapy room as I forgot to turn off the water and I placed too much soap which turned the room into a bubble bath. I can't even remember where the other clothes are since the whole room is full of soap. Both Jae and I had to redo the washing and took a bath together. This list I made is not so bad at all!

The pet enthusiast came a little earlier than I expected and taught me some basic skills how to control Jiji while being dressed up. The cat is not so cooperative since he likes to do things on his own. Jae is inside his music room to finish up a recording for the KBS Christmas special and will send it online in time for the event so I need not to bother him.

We started trying out the Santa jacket on Jiji after giving him a yarn and it fits perfectly. Now putting his mittens came as an exercise regimen for me and the stylist since we had to grab and run just to place it on its feet. I let the stylist go after successfully doing it and cuddled Jiji on my lap to place the Santa hat! Jae is so happy to see the finished product on Jiji and even uploaded a pic of the cat and using it as his display picture on his twitter. I guess I lost 1 lb after doing that.

    It was a sad week for me since Jaejoong had to work non-stop and barely had sleep. I need to put more effort to finish my list before the year ends so I arranged a catering service for him and the crew to have a feast. After finishing the call and made sure that the plan has been polished, I contacted Jae's parents to have a brunch and they both obliged!

I was waiting for Jae's parents when Jae called up that they will be moving to the higher grounds since the director can't find proper lighting at the recent location. I panicked as I already gave the direction to the caterer and had to revise it since Jae's crew are moving. The most problematic thing is that I forgot to ask Jae how to get to the location. I sent a text message to him and waited for his answer as Jae's parents arrived at the restaurant.

I happened to pre-ordered some of the dishes I happened to ask from Jae before but got an imaginary slap on my face that almost all of them are not allowed by the doctors. Jae's parents just came from their monthly check-up and most of the dishes contain too much fat and salty. Both of them didn't show any frustration with my effort of having a small chat with them and even gave us medicinal drinks and ginger tea to keep us stronger. They both thanked me for keeping up with Jae but I told them that their son is lovable person and I loved him for who he is. Having a cup of tea and some dumplings are already heaven for the three of us as we share laughter and sweet thoughts about life and marriage. They even taught me a song his mom used to sing to him which I can practice to put him to sleep.

I send off Jae's parents with a heavy heart because I can't drive them to Jae's sixth sister. I need to check the caterer if they got the address correctly but they aren't answering. Minute by minute, I am getting frustrated but as soon as I drove myself near Jae's location, I saw them eating the food I ordered but they are all literally cold. The caterer have to drive 1 hour to get to the destination but all of the crew are thankful enough to me because they enjoyed the sumptuous feast. Jae hugged me from behind and kissed my cheek as the never-ending thank you flooded my ears. I think my efforts are paid off once his warmth clothed my body.


It was Christmas time and I asked Jaejoong to have a picnic with Vick since he is so lonely inside the cage. His dad gave me a lot of reminders for the huge dog since he is quite a giant to take care of. Jae is always asking me if its alright to spend the most important day with a dog and I told him Vick is also a family so we prepared a picnic at the park. Lo and behold that most of Jae's fans came at the same time as we fixed the picnic blanket at basket on the grass. They even take out Vicki for a walk-or should I say a run since they spend most of the time running and catching up with him. Jae giggled as he witness a group of kids and middle-aged women playing with his overweight dog. Finally we had small talk and much needed laughter as they stopped taking pictures of us. The short lovapalooza(smooching scene) was cut short when Jae's fans and mine told us that Vick has gone berserk and has swam onto the river. We had to call Jae's oldest sister and dad once again since the dog can't be with Jiji on Christmas and they aren't acquainted that much.

There are lots of bikers and couples this time of the day as we dried ourselves after literally jumping on the water to pick Vick. It was so romantic that I held my hand on Jae's while driving the bicycle as fans gathered on us.

"Let's just go home and open the gifts; I still have my usual dukboki and spicy seafood casserole to be heated up", Jaejoong suggested but I asked him to stay at the Han River first.

He was asking too much questions and told me that we don't have another jacket for the additional cold breeze since we only planned it a date at the park. He was surprised when I suddenly played our wedding dance song and asked his hand for a dance. It was freezing cold and the waltz was made into a very sweet salsa turned cha-cha because the snow literally poured on us. We had to retreat back to the house and shared a cup of chocolate by tv with our feet on warm bath. This Christmas is a different experience for both of us as we slept on the couch with Jiji between us.


It was almost New Year and the tickets for Soccer games are going like hot donuts! I barely purchased 9 sets of tickets for his sisters and me to enjoy a game between FC Seoul and Incheon United. I had literally no idea that half of Jae's sis are rooting for FC Seoul and the others are for IU. It was fun seeing them like kids bickering and giving tiny smacks on their head or hitting one another's shoulders everytime their team had shared a goal or almost getting a point. It was a tiring day but having to witness the love with his sisters are already more than getting platinum award.

I had to beg Jaejoong to do the planning for New Year's Eve since I was still tired planning all of the 12 things on the wish list. I thought I had done it secretly but when Jae held the phone on my face and pouted at my side now I know that he is playing it on me.

"You don't have to do all of it in just a month, honey. I am happy that I could spend a little time with you and this year is one of the hardest since our schedule isn't matching but we still made it through because we understand each other's weaknesses. I love you Changmin-ah! I love all the little and big efforts you have prepared and done. I know you had planned it ahead of time but not most of them can be nicely done. I salute you for having to sacrifice your vacation just to spend most of the time making it perfect for me. Next time I will be planning it for us", Jae planted a kiss on my cheek and forehead and marked my neck like a vampire.

He thought it was already done for my list but I still prepared the fireworks display which I planned with Yunho and Junsu hyung and we shared a kiss  and cuddle while watching the colors lights up the sky. This 2012 will be a challenge both for us and our family and the best thing while doing it is I could spend time with Jaejoong!


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