[pic fic] life is short

Dec 18, 2011 12:01

[pic fic] life is short

sorry i was soo busy doing other stuff and just got lucky to have a short vacation to post another chapter. hope you will enjoy it~
Changmin is left breathless after walking a mile with Jaejoong. They spoke short words and they looked weird looking at one another then trying not to be caught while looking. Changmin stopped by a parked car by the field. Jaejoong only looked at him then slowly stopped.

Jaejoong: If you are tired, you can ride the bus. Let's just meet in the next bus station. And you should answer your cellphone or Yunho might think I kidnapped you.

Changmin looked at him and smiled. He isn't tired because of walking;but because he can't tell Jaejoong what he wants to tell him.

Min: Can I suggest if we could rest here first? If I answer hyung's call, I might not be able to tell the truth.

Jaejoong looked serious and starts to walk again. Changmin shakes his head in disagreement. Jae stopped and held Min's hand.

Jae: We couldn't stop because if what I heard is correct, my Grandpa will move to US soon and it will be difficult for us to stop them. I will let go of your hand if you want to stop and rest but I will continue to walk.

Jaejoong did what he said but Min tightened his grip and walked side by side with Jae depending on his pacing. He is still trying to find a way how to communicate with him without looking pathetic.

Changmin: Do you regret tagging me along? I am scared that I might lose you if I let go of your hands.

Jaejoong placed Min's hands on his chest, pulled him near to his face and there's a little distance left but a group of people made Min nervous and backs out. Jaejoong sighed and made a quick turn as they proceed to a secret alley.
Yunho and Ara cornered Junsu in a cafeteria and asked where Min is but his tongue is tied already.

Junsu: I don't know where is Jae's hideout. I heard them talking that they are hitch hiking but to what direction...I failed to hear it.

Yunho looked at Junsu's trembling lips. He knows he is hiding something from him and its because he and Min have greater bond than him.

Yunho: Okay, I will be more patient just for a minute. Tell me some places they have discussed or mentioned before departing.

Ara felt the fear creeping up from Su and tries to be more subtle than her hubby.

Ara: Su, we need these information to track down Min and if you are more concerned of their safety,  any place that you could think of will be helpful.

Junsu: Please spare me for now. Let's wait for Min's call first.

Yunho sighed and tried not to get frustrated because they are running out of time.

Yunho: Since you are in a position where you can't decide, I will transform into my job. Don't treat me as a hyung now. Listen, I am an investigator now and anything you will try to hide from us might be used against you. Worst comes to worst, you might be an accessory to a crime if any of them turned into something we dont like.

Ara: Junsu, dont be afraid. You might be our savior now.

Junsu sighed and looked at Ara. He bowed his head and tried to think.

Yunho: I will give you my cellphone which has a GPS and once you insert the name of Jae's place, I won't ask anything from you after that.

Junsu slowly held the cellphone to his hand and typed some words. In less than 10 seconds, a red dot is beeping at a place in Incheon.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong stopped at a big door near the alley and whispered to Min.

Jae: You don't have to go inside, Min. Just wait for me outside. I will meet you near the entrance of the alley. If someone asked you, tell them you just delivered something then run.

Changmin didnt say a word and hugged Jae tightly. He smelled Jae's body scent and loosened his grip when he heard someone is coming. In less than a minute, Jae is already inside the house. Min noticed two tall men greeted Jae and opened another door.

Min wasnt sure if he has the courage to face Jae's grandfather but he is eager to see what is happening inside the house. Thirty minutes has already passed but there is no sign of Jaejoong.

Min: Whatever may happen, I should see him. I need to do this.

Before he tries to enter the house from the back door, he sent a text message to his hyung. He knew by now Ara and him had figured out where they are and have company. There was a secret room leading to another main door and he was glad he saw Jaejoong sitting at the far side of the table. He peeped onto the blinds and saw Jae talking to a fat old man.

He was about to listen to what they are saying when movements were felt by Min.

Stranger1: I don't think you shouldn't be here.
Min remembered what Jae had told him and tried to use it to prevent any misunderstanding. Another  person joined them who made the stranger backed out.

Yoochun: Hey, I got him already. Go back to your post.

The stranger bowed to the one with the weapon and walked away without any word. Min is feeling a little strange from this man but he is not afraid even with his presence.

Chun: Before you felt a little awkward, I will introduce my self first. I am Yoochun. I am Jae's cousin. I already saw you outside talking to Jae. Since I can't send you away because someone already saw you, you should know what maze you are trying to enter. First, you will need this.

He handed out another gun which signals Min that he isn't there to investigate.

Min: I don't know if you are really helping me and Jae or there's a catch after this but for now, I still need your help.

Chun: You don't have much of a choice now. Either you join me or be captured by our grandfather. The latter will give you less chances to see your lover boy. Now, we need to eliminate those who know you are already here.

Changmin followed Chun's lead and met two armed men but got nabbed by Chun in no time. He was busy tying up the two men when another goon suddenly showed up.

Min: I dunno if I should just pull the trigger or still let you live. Now, move and tie yourself.

The same feeling is creeping up Jaejoong when he was meeting his grandfather again after his parents died. His life is always dark and the only light he is holding right now is the love from Changmin and his family but he is sad that he had to make Min felt the fear. He will not forgive himself if Min or his family will be hurt while helping him.

Grandpa: You are too brave to come back. Are you getting your allowance? I saw your partner with you. Do you think you can get out of our circle just like that?

Jae: I have waited this day that I could finally tell you that I am not your slave. I can always get out whenever I could. I am willing to accept whatever consequences that come my way.

Granddad: Huh! You cannot change your destiny, Jaejoong. You will be forever a mutt. A dirty mutt. You cannot blend in with the good breed of dogs.

Jae: There is still a chance for you to come to the light. If you will accept all your wrongdoings, they can lower down the jail sentence. Think about it.

Granddad: I am not as coward as you.

While Jaejoong and his granddad are having a heated conversation, Yunho finally found them but pretended not to be seen first.

Granddad: They cannot replace me as your family..*he is about to pull the trigger but Yunho is faster than him. In less than 1 minute, Jae's granddad is down and breathless.

Yunho: I am sorry Jae that I have to do it. Are you okay? Have you seen Changmin?

Jaejoong is shocked as he look at his bleeding granddad. He isn't moving a bit even if there are lots of commotion inside the room.

Jae: I cannot save him by being as diplomatic as my mom wants me to be. But thank you, Yunho for giving me freedom and new life that I really need. I left Min outside the door. You haven't seen him?

Yunho: I can't promise you that you could live the life you want because they need you for the investigation. But one thing is for sure, you are free from the dark life your granddad had created.

As soon as Yunho spoke the last words, Jaejoong is now escorted by two police. They both salute at Yunho who is still worried where his brother is. Jaejoong, on the other hand, asked a few minutes to say his final sentences to Yunho.

Jaejoong: I still want to thank Changmin, Ara and Junsu but I think I can't face them with this heavy heart. I will try to find my life back again and hopefully I could find them again. Please take good care of Changmin. He is a very kindhearted boy.

Jaejoong is still talking but he is dragged to the nearest door and disappeared from Yunho's face. Yunho is about to leave the room when Min suddenly showed up.

Min: So I was late this time? Should he really be locked up?

Yunho cannot answer his brother that fast and just hugged his brother. He can feel the sadness from his face but he can't do anything about it.

Yunho: Let's just think that this is the best solution to his problem and someday when you meet him again, he is a changed man already. In behalf of Jaejoong, he wants to say thank you for everything and still looking forward to live with us once again.

Min: Hyung, I can also be a witness to this case,right? Yoochun also needs a new life like Jaejoong. He helped me gather all the armed men at the next room. I think we need to get going now or Ara noona and Junsu will be very worried.

Both Yunho and Changmin walked out of the room with a new hope to meet Jae once again. Jae and Yoochun were sent to a special investigation unit for the case. Junsu and Changmin both graduated in a year and immediately got hired respectively. Yunho and Ara got promoted to a higher rank and were awarded with a medal of valor.


Book 2 is up after I finish my other reports.

credits pics as tagged

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